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Welcome to the the City of Stridesville, its not the biggest city but folks around here call it big. This is the website to find all the information on the role playing games based under " Stridesville "

After the war with the Silent Striders and the Army of vampires they moved around a lot and traveled around until they came upon this town and found it completely deserted, they decided to stay and make a difference drawing local garou and and other beasts to come to this town and after all this the town grew into a fortress of goodness and prosperity and economical growth.

The garou settled amongst this location and built a steady town on a lake front with some human population and businesses as well. Garou were not always the ones living there, plenty others of Gaia's warriors were welcome as well.

Recent Information

Well you would have guessed it. Raven o'Conner was raised and is now a creature of the night! Cornel Thorion Ramhul was killed in a camping accident, is this really true? Some local wolf boys are going to raid a hive and a couple of limosuines are making their way towards stridesville. A certian hermit runs the woods giving everyone questions on their minds. We just seperated from Nexus City and became our own Chronicle, wish us luck.


World of Darkness
Werewolves Tavern and Inn W:tA
Silent Striders of Stridesville
Auspices and Delirium
Forms and Breeds
Stridesville Garou Council
The Holy Church of Stridesville
Stridesville Weapon Shop
Litany the Laws of the Garou
About the Creator of the famous Transylvania/Stridesville/Centralia Rpg
White Wolf
Nocturnal Moon Pictures
The Official Yahoo Club for Stridesville
The Lucas Morman Assassin Agency
The Residents and Shoppes of Stridesville
The Official Music