What do we really know about Severus Snape? Not a whole lot when you look at it. From reading the 4 books published so far, we know that he is described as mean, nasty, cynical, biased, cold, and frightening. Our mental picture of Severus is undoubtedly that of a tall, thin man with shoulder length, black, greasy hair and a large, hooked nose. Is what meets the eye all there is to him, or is there more to it than that? Very slowly, little bits of his past are being revealed to us; such as why Severus hated James Potter so much-a dislike which has carried over to the present with James's son, Harry. This is the page where fans can take what they know about Severus Snape and add their own twist to the story. Poems, songs, short stories, novels-anything- is welcome. Send your creativity to so this page can get on the grow!

How Do You Imagine Severus Snape?

"I imagine Snape as moderately tall: Approximately 6'0"-6'4". He adorns himself in plain, black swooshing robes--nothing fancy or extra for fashion's sake; just the basics. His skin is pale, and he has high cheekbones with long, fine, shiny hair that forms a widow's peak at his forehead. A thin moustache covers his frowning lips and it curves around the corners of his mouth into the very neat and pointed wizard's beard upon his chin. His eyebrows are not thick but they are not thin, either. There are flyaway hairs shooting up from them giving his brow a frightening appearance. Severus's eyes are as black as onyx, yet if one were to look into his face long enough, they would see sensitivity and a soul experienced with much hardship, pain, and sorrow. Deep lines encircle them. His nose is larger than most and it downturns to form a hook. His hands are large, skeletal, and well formed; his fingers long and mysterious. Upon his left hand is a tarnished, once silver ring bearing a scorpion and upon his right is one bearing a serpent. He has lush, black eyelashes and his neck is quite lengthy and thin, though it doesn't resemble that of a goose as one would imagine. It is graceful in an strange sort of way. Covering his narrow feet are the boots of a wizard. They are square at the toes and polished, with signs of wear about them. They embrace his legs till about mid-calf, and at the crest of each foot is a shiny, silver buckle. His pants are dark and tight to his thin legs, while he covers his chest in a deep gray v-necked tunic which has very narrow, black perpendicular lines severing it. The stripes exaggerate his height and thinness. His shoulders are wider than one would expect of a lanky man, and the great hood drooping over them makes them appear falsely broader than they really are. His antagonistic appearance is aided with his discoloured, uneven teeth which do not necessarily make him homely. Severus is rather handsome if people would only give him a second look...and there is more to him than the frightening man which so often takes people at first glance. Like everyone, he needs something from deep within. This is my Severus Snape."