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~Hi~ It's me, RavenOne, ~aka~ Rebecca....
This is the beginning of what I hope to be an expanded site for you to meet me, learn loads about me, and share in some of my interests. This is just the beginning and definitely under construction, like me, a work in "progress" life goes by day-by-day.

"The Raven"

As part of my Native American heritage which I both
embrace and celebrate as best I can, I have accepted the fact that I have been blessed with the gift of an animal totem to guide me and direct me in my walk on earth.How I came upon the Raven is very interesting. I was leaving work one day when a big huge black raven was just standing there in the grass. As I approached he never flinched, or flew away. I spoke to him (like I always do to animals I see) and as I drew nearer to him he began to slowly walk off to my left. As he did so, he dropped a feather and then slowly, without haste moved away and flew off. I picked up the feather and thanked him for the gift. I didn't think much of this until about two weeks later as I was leaving work, the same thing again happened. I don't know if it was the same raven or a different one, but the movements were the same and he again "left" me a feather as he moved away. Well, this really spoke to me loud and clear that there was some meaning to this so I set upon the task of researching events of this nature. I was led to a book called "Animal Speak" in which I found information about "Animal Totems", their meanings and the characteristics of the animals. As I read the detailed description of the Raven I realized that this was "my" animal totem. The characteristics of our personalities uncannily resembled each other...not to mention that I have Raven hair by birth. So, with this in my heart, I decided to claim the Raven as my animal totem and came up with the handle "RavenOne". You see, I am the one-and-only me that there is.....~S~

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