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Breeders of several varieties of peafowl.


Pied Emerald Spalding


Alex Ancona

Emerald Spalding Pair
Pied Emerald Spalding male displaying

Pair of Emerald Spalding peafowl



We have been raising peafowl in Lapeer, Michigan for 22 years. Our first

peafowl was an India Blue we named George. He was 21 years old when he passed away. We

have added many different varieties of peafowl since our beginning with

them. You may view a few of the peafowl we currently raise by using the

highlighted links below.



Peafowl we currently raise.


Visit Our Favorite sites.

Favorite Links

"George" our 18 year old India Blue Peacock.
For a larger image click on the India Blue link.



Our flock is NPIP approved.

To order peachicks, or if you would like

information on peafowl, please e-mail us.



We belong to the following webring.



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Ancona's Peafowl
Copyright © 1999-2008 by Alex Ancona.
All rights reserved.