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Chuck Palumbo and Mike Sanders Forever - Chucks's Bio

An imposing physical specimen, Chuck Palumbo bears an uncanny resemblance to Lex Luger, or at least, that's what Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo would have you believe. This New Blood member was molded in the image of Luger in an attempt to get under the skin of the Total Package, and it appears to be working. In addition to being a massive thorn in the side of Luger, Palumbo has also achieved some goals of his own, such as winning the WCW World Tag Team Championship with Shawn Stasiak.

Career History

Fresh from WCW's Power Plant, Palumbo may be the most impressive wrestler to be produced from that training facility since a young Goldberg went through it... Immediately made an impact by copying the mannerisms and style of Lex Luger, right down to the tights and entrance... Even has mastered Luger's Human Torture Rack finishing move... In his rookie year, is a phenomenon on the side of the New Blood, and represents the name of the group better than anyone. ... After numerous battles with Luger, teamed with Shawn Stasiak to defeated Kronic for the WCW World Tag Team Title, thinks to a rules change that allowed the belts to change hands on a disqualification... Joined the Natural Born Thrillers and continues to work for Vince Russo.

Wrestling Style

Power, and trickery. With the body of a Greek God (he claims to have less than 2% body fat, a knock on Luger, who legitimately has under 3), you would think Palumbo only needs to out muscle the opposition to rack up victories. Yet Chuck insists on bending and outright breaking the rules during his bouts. ... He always carries his flex bar with him, although when not using it to pump his massive arms, he'll use it to knock an opponent unconscious. .... Probably would be better served to remember his Power Plant training, but instead follows the New Blood lead of taking shortcuts to victory.

Did You Know?

Palumbo has been put in charge of watching Elizabeth on several occasions, and she always manages to escape him. ... Palumbo has to be considered an odds on favorite for an Rookie of the Year award. ... Recently competed on a special card to raise money for the family of late wrestler Brian Pillman.