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**MIgirl's Treasures**


"Me and the love of my life, Gary"

About Me

My name is Maria aka MIgirl. I was born in São Miguel, Açores, Portugal. Back then, I had no electricity and reading was one of my favorite things. My grandmother used to warn me that reading by candlelight was going to ruin my eyesight. She was right as I wear glasses to read. Music was another favorite of mine and my first love of music came from playing an old victrola and guessed it! The wind up kind...hee hee. Wow! How far I have progressed :o) as I love my music and don't know what I'd do without it.

November 27, 1955, when I was 10 years old, is the day I arrived in the United States. My gosh...I remember how cold I was as we got off the plane. I had on a very light coat and as I lived in a tropical island, I wasn't used to the cold and I thought I was going to die.

I could not speak a word of English, something I changed very quickly! You all know how much I love to chat :o) I was fascinated with the modern technology of televisions and telephones and could not figure out how the people or cartoons could be seen right in my living room, and even more so, how one could talk to someone who lived so far away by using a piece of equipment, called the telephone. Didn't take me long to figure this one out either! You should see my phone bills today :o(

I lived in Rhode Island until 1986 and then relocated to Michigan where I live with my husband, Gary, and our son Joshua. I am the proud mother of our 10 children (his, hers, and ours, as I say). My children and grandchildren live in different parts of the country...I miss them terribly, and that really saddens me. We have 22 grandchildren! YEPPERS, it's true :o)

Gary is a trucker and I used to travel all over the country with him. The beauty of the United States is truly appreciated by me. I will never forget the first time I saw the Statue of Liberty and how privileged I felt to live in such a beautiful country and say, "I guess it takes an alien from another country to realize how lucky the Americans are"!

Among my hobbies are crocheting, sewing, needlepoint and knitting. However, as you all know, my biggest hobby is my computer. I feel blessed to have met so many people and to have made so many wonderful friends in mIRC and I say laughingly, "Thank God for my computer"!!

In 1999, I resigned as assistant channel manager of #50&Fantastic. It made me feel like I was abandoning a child as ^jaye, (a very dear friend) Will55 and myself started the channel, but I believe it was time to go on and explore the "Cyber World". I do have to say that #50&Fantastic is one of the very best mIRC chat channels on Undernet. I do go and visit as I have so many friends there. I also go to #wavaddiction. I love the channel as I love music and the people there are great! I'm also adding more friends to my list of favorite people :o)

I truly feel blessed as the Lord has been so good to me throughout my life in giving me so many wonderful treasures that I hold so close in my heart. Just a few of these treasures...A super hubby, any woman would love to have, beautiful children and grandchildren, a wonderful family, loving, caring and beautiful friends like all of you.

One more thing I have to mention. I have to thank Rebecca, my very best friend and her hubby, Eddie, for all they have done for me. Rebecca, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing Eddie with me and bringing him over to work on my computer whenever I need help and preventing you for having him all to yourself. It seems like it's all the time lately. And Eddie, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart also because you have worked on my computer from day one, (and still doing so) and if you had not done that, I would not have been able to do any of this. I love you both very much, my two dearest and most treasured friends.

My love to all of you!

This Webpage was started on: September 27, 2000
Created by MIgirl.
Last Updated: January 22, 2007

Click below to see "all my treasures"

My Faith and Belief

My Precious Family

My Grandchildren...The Teenagers

My Grandchildren...The Little Ones

Memo From God

I Can Do It


God's Billboards

The Most Beautiful Flower

If I Could Catch A Rainbow

The Blessed Sneeze

God's Voice Mail

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Words To Remember

Her Daddy

Grandma's House

Foot Prints

Stairway To My Heart

God Bless The USA

Our Guest Of Honor -- Jesus Christ

In Loving Memory On Mother's Day

My Mother's Day Card To You

Seasonal Pages

My Favorite Links to Web Pages

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