Rp #1

Jason the Career Killer Crusie Brings to you the start of a new era “HIS ERA”!!!

[The morning had reached but the sun still slumbered. The alarm clock in the master bedroom of the second floor of the Crusie Residence alarmed. An annoying bleep of sorts that was reminiscent of a duck crying on its deathbed crossed with a bad fire alarm. Jason “Career Killer” Cruise arm slung across his body slamming down on the snooze button and the alarm quieted. He tried to sleep but thoughts kept him awake: the image of Frank Night Careering around the belt that he wants . It Is not just a belt thing now! These images surrounded and drowned Jason in thought. He had been exhausted from training since the night before. The match he won was a well-fought match. But the match that he lost was not very well. He needs to step it up! His neck still a tad bit sore from the brutal treatment blood drainer and well the 2 meatl thingys that he got trying to take him down.. He was shaken a bit but by Monday he would be his normal self. The alarm returned… this time Jason turned it off sitting up in his bed and proceeding to get dressed into sweats for jogging. He dressed and was out the door shoving keys into his pocket. It was a bitterly cold morning, his breath hung in front of his eyes but he just wore his normal polyester soccer shorts and matching jacket as usual. Jason was thankful for sponsors- they made his wardrobe fuller. He headed down his drive and out onto the city street. Jason had a thing for the city- He never moved from it after growing up in it. He jogged lazily at first but picked up the pace as the sun slowly rose and then the traffic came and he still jogged then he reached his normal turning point. The sun had risen but the skies were still tinted gray. The look of snow was overwhelming. He sighed and watched his breath just sit in front of his eyes before dissipating. His eyes then turned to the cold sky-scraping building next to him. He turned and stepped in heading up to the security guard]

The Career killer: “Hey Chuck- how’s the weather looking?”

Chuck: “What’s up my main man? You should be the one who knows working out in the cold dressed like that, didn’t your mother teach you anything?”

Career Killer: “Yeah she did… but I guess I never was much to listen. Maybe one day I’ll learn…how’s the family?”

Chuck: “My son was a bit disappointed to see you win your match Sunday but we enjoyed the tickets”

Career killer: “No problem man- I am a little mad that I did not get the one ironman title but in time I will have it in time!- Is Annie in?”

Chuck: “Of course she is… are you crazy?”

[Jason smirked and nodded to him and headed towards the stairwell. He swung open the door and the race began. Him vs. Time. He glanced at his watch and he was off… taking two steps at a time. Hugging the turns and making it up to the 8th floor only to check his watch again and then shake his head. He stepped out of the stairwell and watched over the rows of cubicles. He could never survive something like an office job, cramped up into some stall to endlessly work at projects. He had to have some kind of ladder to climb, something to show for being accomplished- not just a room with a view. He swerved through the cubicles to standing behind Anna Lewis as she sat there on the phone with a client. He didn’t bother to make himself known but just stand back to watch for her eyes, which when he caught, he smiled softly. She finished up her business call and after hanging up the phone turned around and hugged James gently]

Jason: “Where is destiny…?”

Anna: “Umm…I am not sure why”

[She knows that he is pissed and that he does not want to talk a lot so she trys to make it .]

Career Killer: “Well id you do see her please tell her to call my cell cuz man we need to talk aobut this whole fed thing. And well can you give entity a call man we need to get this stable up and rolling…”

Anna: “I will get right on it and if you need me to get you anything then just ask..” The Career Killer: “Yea there is one more thing because you are my layer/agent can you do em a favor. Call up the prez and make sure that I get a ironman title match, I do not like loseing even though I picked up the IC title I need to have that ironman I lost last night that is not something that happens every day. If the people of the arena want to see me and frank well then that si a good thing. We are the top 2 people in the fed and well I think that we can have some of the best matches and well it will not happen if you do not call the prez and have thematch made but wait… I think that you should call frank and talk him into it…”

Anna: “it is all good here. I will have it all done within the day I hope I mean well if I can get a hold of all the people...”

[She smiled and then Waved to him on last time before he went off time]

Anna: “Now get going Champ…”

[He headed back to the stairwell and headed down the stairs. He headed out and to the front door.]

Chuck: “Good luck at the next event who knows what will happen!”

[Jason smiled and nodded to Chuck as he made his way back outside. He turned the corner and began his jog back… the jog back was filled with children pointing at him, young boys begging their mothers to let them go ask for an autograph; but he was left all alone. He jogged on his own speed by himself, the same thoughts with the same questions and the same answers. He reached a smaller office building and headed in the front. Making his way down a couple hallways to a door marked “Jason Crusie” he took his key and opened the door. Everything in the room was spacious. A cubical life wasn’t for him; but he had to have an office to tie him down every once and awhile; contracting is another world. He opened the doors and went to check his messages. 2 Messages, Destiny and an Unknown number.. James sighed… not in the mood to talk to anyone right now as he slid behind his desk and pulled out a remote for a TV facing the desk at which he sat. He rewound the tape in the VCR and began to play back the weeks worth of interviews and happenings in the Slaterhouse PPV. He watched Night beat the shit out of him the night before and he watched the blood drainer that he got hit with. then he watched himself beat Xaver and made it the IC champ. not all was bad last night but most of the night was so he looked at the people In the stands and well he was not seeing a lot of Xaver fans and well I do not think that a lot of people do like xaver and well he knows that after the ppv xaver will fight entity and well all the fans liked him. He was not mad but he did not get what he wanted in that night. There is a knock at the door and the other man at the table Andrew he lets him in.]

Andrew: “Good Morning Mr. Crusie.”

Career Killer: “Thank you and good morning to you.”

Andrew: “The people of the fed want to see a reamtch from last night can I get your word on this mr Crusie I wamt to know what you think about that?.”

Career Killer: “Well, Everyone is looking for answers that fit their life in a world full of questions. But I’ll do my best Andrew.

As of today Andrew frank night and me have been though hell and back again last night. I mean we have fought like hell last Night in 3 matches. Between the 2 of us we really carryed the ppv on out back and we are the top two people in the fed and well take outr match out or matches should I say and it would be Must one more Ppv. Now I am hopeing that I get a call that says me and night will be on for next Monday or maybe even the man event for the new show. That would eb a nice add one don’t you say my man?

Any way I know a lot about night now that I have been in a match with hima nd well I am not that surprised with the way he wrestled he is good bu not great. see that is our difference I am great.

I know that Frank is a good man and that he has a good stable which brings me to the next point. Frank my man I am not only after the iron-man title but now I have a nice little stable that I plan to throw out at you. and well after this stable and your stable go at it well it will be hell. And if it is hell you want it will be hell you get. If it is not hell you want then you can go home and talk to your mommy about it. cuz the fact that I am getting to frank is that my stable is damn good and as soon as we are full and together we will be taking you out. Hell me and destiny alone could take out ant 3 people from that stable but we will not get into that!

Now there is a lot more things that I have to say about what is goin on here in the Ehwwa. First off there is the champion Collin and well his last at the top will not lst long cuz night wants the title and we je will get it soon cuz he is a better athlete and well even though I will beat night I will not go after the title even if he wins it. I will hope that he hold that title and makes it so that when I do wrestle I will have someone that I know and that I can beat!”

Andrew: “Is that a Promise? I mean you not going after the world title . there are a lot fo people out there that wnt yo see you win that title and govern this fed what you say?”

Career killer: well well I guess the fans do like me after the titles well not that I have one I like it and I do plan for more in the near future I just like to take it one title at a time. As in IC iron-man and then I will be after the hardcore and maybe the internet or just the tag team. No matter what title though I will have someone good to face and well that is what I want. Then better the better and once I own the titles I have wanted then well I thin I will just go after the one that means most to all the people in this fed but me the world title. Then I will make my feeling felt and all you people will feel what I got to give.

I mean if frank night does win the title who knows what I will do. at this point I would not go after it but with time comes changes and things change. I might change with the time. I could not even go after the world title at all. Or I could go after it in time and over that time I would win it maybe one or 2 times but who knows It willall matter what the hell I think I will fo alright

Andrew: “Mind answering some questions from the fans?”

The Career Killer: “Sure thing Andrew.. it’s all about the fans.”

Andrew: “The first question comes from Josh from Pennsylvania. His question is ‘What is your honest opinion on the ability of Xaver?’ ”

The Career killer: “There’s an honest question from the fans. Well in my experience there are three principles to wrestling. The exact same principles Patton said about war.

‘Audacity, Audacity, Audacity’

What does this have to with Xaver? Well the man isn’t afraid to get in someone’s face and the man isn’t afraid to take a beating. This is a very important part of wrestling. To be a superb wrestler you have to be able to walk the walk. Talking is for fools. As you have seen through my career I’ve paired up against athletes from all over the place I mean I have beaten the best and I am the best and in time he will see that and all the people in this fed will know that I am that good and there is not a damn thing that they can do about it. Xaver I would say is Alright that si about all though soon he will step it up and be on the real level.

You know though to be on a real level Xaver would have to be some top stars like entity and well destiny and they would never fall to Xaver. Entity wants him real bad as all the people in this place know and well showtime is about to learn his destiny when she whips his ass all over the arena and then takes all the pride he has and shoves it up his ass..

When I first started off in my first fed I never won a match not I never lose but on rare nights. I mean I put a lot of work into this sport and into the booking and all that stuff. Xaver has to go out there and ruin his chance for a good match by breaking clearly stated rules that no normal man would break. And well I would have to say that penitey ws a little harsh I will have to let it go for this time and say ha ha I got the title that I would have won anyway. Whitch makes me say he is only alright sone…...


Andrew: “The next question is from Mary from New Jersey. She asks, ‘Who is this new lady you’ve been seen with?’ ”

[Jason smiled at this question.]

The Career Killer: “This si a real good friend of mine…I brought her over from the XwN where is was the Internet champion as she left and I was the world champ as I left. Her and I thought that it would be a good idea to get a fresh start in a new fed that was more real and down to earth. Now look what is going on baby me after a iron-man title and she is going to win the women’s title and soon she will be higher then that. she is a real good superstar and she will prove to a lot of people what she can do.

she is goin to enter this fed to wrestle men but got in a womens title match and well after she wins that title she will have a match with showtime for who knows when and that match she will win and that is the bottem line. She has to win that match to make sure that she can wrestle with the boys on more offen times I mean he is ½ the tag champs and well brother of the world champ. maybe she will beat his brother tooa dn become the first ever world female champion. That would be a thing the prez would just love. And I would too!.”

Andrew: “Well good luck on that front! The next question is from Larry from Buffalo, New York. He asks ‘How mad are you about Sunday night I mean you got one title?’ ”

Career Killer: well Larry you are right I do have one title and I am greatful for that title I do have son but…….. I had that chance you get to win two titles. And when you can have 2 when should you take just the won. I have the rematch larry that is the good thing so I will get the title in time it is just I have to wait like 2 days. Or maybe a week I do not know when the event will be and for that matter I do not care I have other things that I have to worry about….

So I would like to talk about this ic title match that I do have. And well I do not know a lot about this jobber that I will fight but I will make easy work of him so that I can train for the Ironman title. I will be ready for any kind of match. IN any event Drake laps you and me ina normal standerd match and well you know I am out to make it soooo easy to beat you what you goin to do. right now I could just say I got this won cuz you do not have a lot of balls you are not half the man I was and if you where you would have the IC title I would be in the ring after you. if you want this title you better work your ass off cuz it is not coming out. I need it for night. Now i…

[the cell phone rings and he picks it up. Destiney is on the other line and she needs to talk to him it is important….]

Jason: Hello destiny

Destiny: yea yea on to the good stuff I just got off the phone with Anna she talked to night…she said that he wants to fight you and was talkin about it earlyer today. All you have to do is set a date he was looking for a thrashing but you can sway that if you want

Jason: nope I think I will keep him happy and just make it for the first thrashing event that we have. And what a event it will be me and night main even you and showtime will eb a hell of a match girl friend and I think that you can kick his ass.

Destiny yea I need to work out though with you so can you get home soon for a work out/ training I need to work on some moves and I need to lift to be full power for this match!!

Jason: I am running home so give me 20 alright peace babe(beep)

Andrew: are you leaving me for a women?

The Career Killer: “I am afraid so son…Thank you for the interview Joey. Now to get back to training!”

[ he walks out of this place and starts to run down the street as he is runing the weather starts to change a little and it starts to get like just a little rainy and sooner then later it satrts to rain down and he is just running in the stuff he started in. Jason is soked wet s he walks in the house. Before he changes into his clothes he talks to dest a litte bit.

Jason: Hey destiny I was wondering what you want to work out with because it is a little rainy outside and I do not know what you can do.. inside..

Destiny: There is a gym down the street and well when you look as good as me you do not need a pass they will just let you in. this way I get to show off and work out to beat that nitch ion on Monday. It is going to be great. god I did not even want to fight all these girls all they do is talk like “o you bitch hoe slut” and it gets old and well that is even when they come out and speak. Other then the girl you sidelined no girl has spoke a work in this fed. so you ready to go wussy?

Jason: let me change and then I will call entity and tell him to meet us there I about 5 min alright give me a sec….

[he walks up the stairs and gets a new pair of workout pants on and a new shirt. Then he picks up the phone and calls entity. As entity picks up the phone they speak. Jason tells him to meet him at the worlds gym about a mile west of his house in about 10 min if he can. All is good and he hangs up. The he walks down the stairs and gets in the car with an umbrella this time. Then he waits like 30 sec for destiny to get out to the car. She starts to bitch because he took her umbrella and she got a little wet. Once they pull into the parking lot of the place they sit in the car a bit. They are waiting to see the entity pull in. about 3 min after they get in their he pulls in and dest gets the umbrella and runs to the place. Jason gets out fo the car and run also. Entity walks in as if it is not even raining. Noting seems to have a affect on his massive body. He enters the gym and all 3 of then get to go in for free. Then they start to talk a little before they lift]

Jason: so entity what is up with the other people in the group are they goin to show up anytime soon.

Entity: I have no clue when they will be here but when they do some we willl tke over that stable title and I will get a good shot at Xaver!!

Destiny: yea and I get my good shot when I fight showtime. Some people may not like the girl in the spotlight but o well he challenged me and I love it.

Jason: you sure do. now we have to get a workin if we want to win these matches so get at umm…boys and well girl.

[The broadcast ended and Jason sat there thinking about everything he had said. He was honest and meant every word. He just watched the blank monitor screen and sighed a bit. Noting left to say as he puts the 45’s on the side of the bar and starts to lift the camera fades to a dark dark color!]