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My Info - November 11, 2002 -
People that know me well enough know that I am a total anime and game freak. Im going to put up a anime, game, and possiable a movie review in a little.

My News - November 11, 2002 -
I have been having fun taking lots of photos and getting new ideas for projects, tring to learn new things for my site. Right now I'm at the point of trying to learn Java script. I am trying to get a random image swap to work when you refresh the page, but my code seems to be messed up.

My News - October 29, 2002 -
My pages is going smoothly right now just adding my pictures back and puting up a link site.

My News - October 25, 2002 -
Wow I am good at keepen my news updated eh... well not much going on right now. Check out my brother's site he just got done building it. I have taken off a few pictures to make them smaller because my limited bandwidth was really annoying me. I have added a new story The Blood Sword. Though its just a clip of the whole story im going to write I have gotten a lot of good comments on it.

My News - August 10, 2002 -
Little space in between news but I gots new pics up.