Brahma Bull( The Rock Fan Page)

The Rock's Abilities


Real Name : Duane Johnson
Height : 6'5"
Weight : 272 lbs.
Date of Birth : 5/2/1972
Hometown : Miami, Florida
Previously Known As : Flex Cavana
Finishing Maneuver: ROCK BOTTOM

Quotes: "Do you smell what the Rock is cook in?” "Know your role, and shut your mouth, while the Rock lays the smack down”, "Jabrone"

Stables (Past or Present): The Nation, Nation of Domination
Stable Allies (Past or Present): NOD – Farooq, Mark Henry, Kama Mustafa, D'lo Brown (Became extinct the RAW after 1998 Wrestlemania when Rock took over.) As a lead by helping destroy Farooq and changed the name to NATION. THE NATION - Owen Hart, D'lo Brown, The Godfather, Mark Henry (Slowly broke up over time, generally after SummerSlam 98)

Status Of Former Stable Members : Farooq - Jobbing off and on, being eyed by the Jackyl
Owen Hart - Being seen as the Blue Blazer
Mark Henry and D'lo Brown - Attacking the WWF as an alliance
Kama/Godfather - Pimpin', and it ain't easy!

Best Match

60-Minute Iron Man Match
World Title Match The Rock(c) vs. Triple H w/Vince, Shane, Stephanie McMahon
Special Referee: Shawn Michaels
Most pins/submissions/count outs/DQ's after 60 minutes win the match
Before The Rock came out, HHH got on the mic and told the McMahons that he's going to make history tonight and wants to do it alone. HHH told them to go to the back so he can settle it one on one. The McMahons left the ring to the back then out came The Rock to a huge pop. HHH stood on the outside as Rock posed in the ring then climbed in. HBK called for the bell starting the match.

The two stood nose to nose in the ring then Rock shoved him. They locked up and then took it to the corner. Rock landed a chop then HHH backed out. Rock slapped on a side head lock . HHH brought Rock up to a standing position then powered him over backwards. Rock powered back and slapped on another side headlock. Rock dropped HHH with a shoulder block then Rock rolled up HHH and scored a two. HHH went to the outside to stall. HHH climbed in slowly then they locked up. HHH with a side headlock. Rock landed a right hand after breaking free and HHH fell to the outside. HHH took even longer time to climb back in then finally did. Rock slapped on another side headlock then took HHH to the corner and drove an elbow to the head. HHH hit a huge clothesline out of nowhere. HHH drove a series of forearms to the head then took him to the corner and slammed his arm across the top rope. HHH slapped on an arm bar. Rock came back with right hands. HHH hit a Single Arm DDT and scored a two count only. HHH slapped on another arm bar. HBK broke the hold when they went to the corner. Rock hit a Rock Bottom out of nowhere and scoreda three count giving the Rock #1. Rock took HHH to the outside and dropped him across the guardrail. Rock grabbed HHH and took him into the guardail. Rock dragged HHH back towards the ring where HHH dropped him across the guardrail. HHH landed right hands then Rock came back with a toss knee first into the guardrail. They went back into the ring whre Rock decked HHH with a right hand. Rock suplexed HHH over the ropes and into the ring. Rock made a cover and scored a two. Rock took HHH spread eagle into the guardrail then smashed HHH's inner thigh against the ring post. Rock drove the back of the leg across the ring apron. Rock took HHH by the knee and smashed it against the ring steps. Rock grabbed HHH and tossed him into the ring. Rock kicked HHH's knee some more then clotheslined him to the mat. Rock slapped on a figure four right in the middle of the ring. HHH writhed in pain while Rock held on to the hold with everything he had. HHH tried to reverse the hold and finally did. Rock writhed in pain then rolled over into the ropes breaking the hold. They went to the outside where Rock sent HHH head first into the guardrail. Rock sent HHH into the ring post then HHH reversed a whip and sent Rock into the guardrail. HHH clotheslined Rock hard to the ground. HHH sent Rock into the stands. HHH landed hard right hands then they brawled amongst the crazy fans. HHH back body dropped Rock over the guardrail and to the outside. HHH followed out and sent Rock into the ring.

Now at the 20 minute mark, HHH took Rock and suplexed him to the mat. HHH dropped an elbow to the chest. HHH made a cover and only scored a two. HHH took Rock head first into the corner. HHH landed more right hands then Rock fought out with kicks to the knee. HHH kicked Rock sending him through the ropes to the outside. HHH went out and was whipped knees first into the ring steps. HHH crawled on the floor in pain then Rock grabbed HHH and sent him into the ring. Rock landed right hands to the head then drove a hard knee to the back of the knee of HHH. Rock drove elbows to the knee once again. Rock slapped on a leg grapevine adding more pressure to the knee. HHH grabbed Rock's head and landed punches. Rock broke the hold and went for a figure four, but HHH kicked him into the top rope turnbuckle. HHH grabbed Rock and Pedigreed him into the mat. HHH with the cover and the three count making it 1 to 1. HHH choked Rock then HBK made him break the hold. HHH took Rock to a standing position then rolled him up in and inside cradle and scored a three making it 2 to 1 in favor of HHH. Rock got back up and landed hard right hands to the head. Rock decked HHH then HHH pulled him through the ropes to the outside. HHH followed out and landed right hands to the head. Rock stumbled down the walkway and to the J-Day set. Rock waited for HHH then whipped him into the set. Rock took HHH and tried a suplex on to the paded walkway but HHH reversed it and suplexed Rock onto the unpadded portion of the walkway. HBK administered a 10 count then both men got to their feet. Rock stumbled to the ring area where he waited for HHH and belly to back suplexed him onto the walkway. Rock whipped HHH into the ring apron then back body dropped him onto the padded walkway. Rock picked up HHH and sent him into the ring. Rock picked HHH up then decked him with a right hand. Rock went for a spinebuster off the ropes but HHH turned it into a knee drop. HHH set up Rock for a Pedigree but turned it into a piledriver. HHH with the cover and the three giving him a 3 to 1 lead. Both men got up where HHH stomped Rock down to size in the corner. Rock ran out of the corner with a forearm blow then sent HHH to the ropes where HHH bounced off with a hard shot. HHH with the cover and a two. HHH went up top where Rock grabbed him and tossed him off. The two got back up and Rock landed a series of hard right hands. Rock with another series in the corner. Rock dropped HHH with an elbow in the opposite corner then rolled up HHH and scored a two. The Rock went off the ropes where HHH dropped him with a high knee. HHH with a pin attempt and only two. HHH and Rock exchanged right hands then HHH slapped on a sleeper hold. HBK checked Rock's arms then Rock held at two. HHH applied the hold even tigther then HBK checked the arm again. Rock didn't go down then HBK kicked HHH's legs off the ropes. HHH tried another sleeper but Rock hit a belly to belly suplex instead.

With the match at thr 40 minute mark, Rock rolled over and covered HHH but only scored a two. Rock and HHH exchanged blows then Rock came off the ropes and hit a DDT. Rock with a cover and a three. HHH up 3 to 2. To the outside they went where Rock sent HHH shoulder first into the ring steps. Rock dropped HHH head first across the time keeper's table then HHH responded with one of his own. HHH grabbed a chair and tried to hit Rock but HBK stole the chair. Rock sent HHH into the ring steps. Rock hit a Swinging Neckbreaker on the outside padding. Rock sent HHH into the ring then climbed in. HHH picked up the aforementioned chair and smacked Rock with it. HBK called for the bell and declared a DQ on HHH. Now we're even at 3. HHH rolled up Rock and scored a three count giving him the lead again. HBK checked on the Rock who was busted open. HHH picked up Rock and sent him to the ropes. HHH slapped on another sleeper hold. HHH took Rock to the mat and HBK checked his arm again. Rock pulled up on the third drop then fought up. HHH slapped on another sleeper hold. HBK checked the arm again and Rock didn't pull up on #3. HHH wins the fall giving him a 5 to 3 lead. HHH wouldn't break the hold so HBK broke it for him and shoved him. HHH shoved him back then HBK shoved him back. HHH cooled off then Rock landed right hands out of nowhere. Rock grabbed HHH and tossed him over the top turnbuckle to the outside, wiping out the camera man in the process. Back in the ring, HHH decked Rock then went up top. HHH took too long going up top and Rock dropped him across the guardrail. Rock climbed up and HHH head butted him off the top. Rock got back up then punched him in the head. Rock climbed up top and super plexed HHH off the top to the ramp! Both men laid on the mat then Rock rolled over and covered HHH but only scored a two. Rock and HHH got to their feet then Rock clotheslined HHH over the top to the outside. Rock climbed out and sent HHH head first into the ring steps. Rock drove a knee to the chest then Rock shoved HHH to the ground. Rock grabbed HHH's legs then catapulted him head first into the ringpost. Rock got up and HHH followed up. HHH reversed a whip into the ring steps and sent Rock in. With five minutes left, HHH put Rock on the broadcast table. HHH climbed up and went for a Rock Bottom onto the table but Rock reversed it into a Pedigree onto the table. Rock climbed into the ring and HBK counted out HHH making it HHH 5 and Rock 4. The McMahons came to the ring with only three minutes left. HHH slowly staggered to his feet and slid into the ring as HBK was at nine on the ten count. Rock grabbed HHH and clotheslined him to the mat. Rock DDT'ed HHH into the mat then knocked Shane then Vince off the apron. HHH with a Rock Bottom then the People's Elbow! Rock with the cover and the three! 5 to 5! Shane pulled HBK out then HBK decked Shane then Vince. Road Dogg came in and Rock decked him. HHH sent Rock to the ropes knocking HBK off the ropes. The J-Day promo olayed on the Titantron then the Undertaker appeared in the ringside area on a bike! UT cleaned house on everyone in the ring! UT chokeslammed X-Pac about 15 feet in the air and then grabbed Steph. HHH hit UT from behind then UT chokeslammed him then Tombstoned him as time ran out. HBK ruled that it was a DQ due to outside interference giving HHH his 6th fall and the win making him the WWF World Champ. HHH was helped to the back by the McMahons as UT chased HBK off. Winner: HHH and new World Champ
The Rock - 5
Triple H - 6


The Rock vs. Triple H Poll
Triple H vs. The Rock

The Rock
Triple H
I Don't care


Creative Pic


TV show: America's Most Wanted or Unsolved Mysteries
Food: Polynesian Food
Hobbies: Reading Quotes, Working Out, Fishing
Actress: Dany Garcia
Actor: Tommy Lee Jones
Fast Food: Pizza
Sport (besides wrestling): Football
Athlete: Junior Seau
Secret Talent: The Great One is one hell of a cook!
Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Biggest Thrill: Being the sole survivor for his team in Madison Square Garden in the 1996 Survivor Series Person Would Most Like to Meet: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Cartoon Character: The Punisher
Band or Singer: Sam Cooke
Video Game: John Madden (any year), Tekken 2


Video Clips

People's Elbow
Rock Bottom
Titan Tron
People's Ladder