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Zelda31's Homepage History

So, Zelda31's Homepage hasn't been the very best since it was started on July 24, 1999. I was very inexperienced in the webpage-making area, and I had gotten my computer only seven months earlier. My brother, now, is more experienced than he was when we first got our computer, as you'll be able to tell if you go to his site.

Our site's name hasn't changed, and I don't really expect it to, either, although it isn't a very good name. Too plain for my liking, but it'll due until the day I have about 500 visitors a day :) ahh.. anyway, I'm 12-years-old and I work this page by myself. I don't really think that I get more than 5 visitors a day, what?!

Lastly, I'd just like to say that this page wouldn't even exist if it hadn't been for my brother, RDA. He was always there for me (most of the time) helping me to put my page together because I'm, just to put it lightly, a moron.

Although I've put much time and effort into this page, it's still not that great looking--but I think a great webpage is made out of information. Boy, do we have a lot of that! So let's not concentrate on the lay-out, but on what we have.