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My Banner

This is my banner.

Okay, WE ALL KNEW that it was time to get that old, crummy banner below gone, right? Well, above is what came to my mind-not bad, 'eh? Anyway... here's the html code for it:

(a href="") (")(/a)

here is its html code (a href="")(")(/a)

Yes, I know my banner is crappy...that was when my site first began and that day I was in a hurry to get a banner. But, I am soon going to add a new, better banner...Maybe even today...hehehe

here is its html code (a href="")(")(/a)

Lets just hope this new banner loads...

The day has come for all of you out there to witness a totally NEW banner. Just let me get it made up, first. :-) To return Home, Click Here!