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xAznxI3oi'z Home Payge!!!

Thanx for visiting 2 tell u ahead of time i juss started mai that means i don't have many mp3s yet. Also i will add frames 2 make browsing my page a lot easier...


    I nor angelfire is responsible with the actions u do with this material on this payge. That means if u want 2 d/l the mp3s on this payge u must delete them within 24 hourz. If u like the song then go out and buy it!!!

VVêrd ƒrùm †hé mâkér:

    Sup....this is the maka of the payge...i would like 2 say a couple of things... First of all diz is the first webpage i eva made in my young life =). Since i really had no idea wut 2 make this payge bout... i juss made it for people who wantz mp3s and sum other miscellaneous stuff for aol... i will soon add sum frames 2 make it convenient for people who decide 2 look at mai payge. O yEa 1 MoRe ThInG DuN't EvEn TrY 2 StEAL Mai LinX!!

§ùm £îñX 2 Mþ3 §ì†êz:

Thanx for visitin mai payge....come back soon bekuz i am going 2 update it a lot!!!

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