Adam Sanborn's Journals

Well, you've come this far, here's some basic information on journals... I wrote these in Mrs. Bolone's Creative Writing class. They were a daily assignment that had to be at least 26 lines long (which accounts for a lot of the rambling). A lot of journals could be Free Writes (F.W.) during Creative Writing I (first semester), but during Creative Writing II she bumped up the journal duty to 7 per week and gave us topics to write on, with only 1 F.W. per week. Confused yet? Okay. Here they are...

Creative Writing I Journals

J #1 - 20
J #21 - 40
J #41 - 60
J #61 - 74

Creative Writing II Journals

J #1 - 20
J #21 - 40
J #41 - 60
J #61 - 80
J #81 - 100
J #101 - 117
Please note: You should never, never doubt what no one is sure about.