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The Cameron Clan

My Cameron Clan Banner

Cameron Coat of Arms

Gaelic Name: Camshron

Origin of Name: from the Gaelic, "Cam" (wry) and "Shron" (nose)

Motto: Aonaibh ri cheile (Gaelic: Unite)

Plant Badge: Crowberry

Septs: Chalmers, Chambers, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Cleary, Clerk, Dowie, Gibbon, Gilbertson, Kennedy, Leary, Lonie, MacAldowie, MacAlonie, MacChlery, MacCleary, MacGillery, MacGillonie, MacIldowie, MacKail, MacKell, MacLair, MacLear, MacLeary, MacLerie, MacMartin, MacOnie, MacOstrich, MacPhail, MacSorley, MacUrlig, MacVail, MacWalrick, Martin, Paul, Sorley, Sorlie, Taylor

Cameron Badge Cameron Tartan

amerons, took the name of their captain as the generic name of the whole, until the clan was first officially recognized by that name in a charter of 1472

A leader called Donald Dubh, whose surname was Cameron, arose in Lochaber. Donald Dubh Cameron, married a MacMartin daughter (said to be the daughter of the MacMartin chief) and either through this or by his own prowess assumed the leadership of the confederation of clans which later formed the Clan Cameron.

From Donald Dubh all the later chiefs derived their Gaelic patronymic, MacDhomhnuill Duibh (the son of a dark haired or swarthy Donald), by which name the present chief is known in Gaeldom.

Donald M'Ewen M'Connell or Donald MacEwen Bhig, known as the Taillear Dubh na Tuaighe, was one of the clan's most colorful figures. As a child he was nursed by the wife of a tailor who lived at Blar na cleireach, near Lundavra, hence his by-name. Later he was brought up by MacLachlan of Coruanan, head of a tribe who were followers of Lochiel.

He became an expert in the use of arms, and was particularly dexterous in the use of the Lochaber Axe, his favorite weapon. He grew up to be a brave and prudent man famed for his wit and sarcasm.
There are many legends and stories concerning the escapades of the Taillear Dubh, and it is traditionally thought that he went to Cowal and settled in Stratheachaig. His descendants took the name of Macintaillear, later changed to Taylor, and many of that name in Cowal are really Camerons.
They were known as Clann an Taillear Dhuibh Chamronaich, and there seems little doubt Taylors descended from the Cowal families of Taylor can claim descent from Donald MacEwen Bhig.

In 1577/78 Allan took command of the clan. With the death of Allan MacDonald Dubh, the chief and clan seemed to pass from the feuding, fierce, outlaws fighting for survival first one rapacious neighbor, then another; tossed hither and thither first by Huntly, then by Argyll, but forever keeping their precarious grip upon the disputed lands, the very core of the Cameron patriarchal inheritance. It was an accomplishment they could be proud of. With the succession of Ewen Dubh (seventeenth chief), Allan's grandson, they embarked together, he and his clansmen, on a much nobler era.

John Cameron of Lochiel (eighteenth chief), the eldest son of Sir Ewen, was born about 1663. His first "appearance" on the historical scene was as leader of the clan after the Battle of Killiecrankie, after his father had returned to Lochaber. After Sir Ewen made his submission in 1692 he took little part in the affairs of the country, and four years later he made over the greater part of his estate to his son John. In 1706 John Cameron, appreciating the dangers he was likely to incur as a known Jacobite sympathizer, deemed it advisable to make over his estate to his young son Donald. This was a wise precaution for later when he was attained for his participation in the 1715 rising, the estate could not be forfeited for it no longer legally belonged to him.

Donald Hamish Cameron (twenty-sixth chief, eldest son of Donald Walter Cameron) the present chief, was born in 1910. In 1939 he married Margaret, daughter of Colonel the Hon. Nigel Gathorne-Hardy, brother of the Earl of Cranbrook.
Donald Angus (eldest son of Donald Hamish Cameron) was born in 1946. In 1974 he married Lady Cecil Kerr, 2nd daughter of the 12th Marquess of Lothia. They have one son, Donald Andrew born 1976, and three daughters; Catherine Mary born 1975, Lucy Margot born 1980, and Emily Francis born 1986.
Looking to the future, young Donald Andrew of Lochiel is following in his father's footsteps in embarking on a business career.
To him, in due course, will pass the trust of preserving the Cameron lands for future generations, and ensuring that the great traditions of the race shall endure.

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The Music playing is: The March of the Cameron Men