
Use quotation marks with direct quotes. 






Incorrect Examples

Correct Examples

a) Enclose direct quotes in quotation marks. 

He said, Please come.

He said, “Please come.” 

b) Do not use quotation marks with indirect quotations. 

He asked me “to come to the party.”

He asked me to come to the party. 

c) Place end-punctuation inside quotation marks, unless writing a title. 

He said, “Please come to the party”.

He said, “Please come to the party.” 

d) In dialogue, begin a new paragraph for each speaker. 

“I think you should come to the party.”  “Oh, really?”    “Yeah – if you don’t, people will notice you are gone.

“I think you should come to the party.”

“Oh, really?” 

“Yeah – if you don’t, people will notice you are gone.

e) When quoting research with parentheses, be sure that the period follows the parentheses. 

“Even with today’s medicine, President Lincoln would not have survived the night.  (Harwood)”

“Even with today’s medicine, President Lincoln would not have survived the night” (Harwood).



“Don’t tell me the old lady screamed – bring her out and let her scream.”

Mark Twain