Animal Farm   by George Orwell

Week 2: Animal Farm by George Orwell

Mon-Project link
Part 1: Political and Historical Background;
Part 2: Author Study
How Animal Farm almost wasn't published

Tues: Teacher reads aloud Ch 1, pgs 25-34 (9 pgs)
Allegory--know this Literary Term.

Elements of Story

Character Charts: Animal Farm

Beasts of England lyrics


Read Ch 2 pgs 35-44 (9 pgs)

Focus Question #1

Read Ch 3 pgs 45-53 (8 pgs)

Vocabulary in Context Strategy

The Seven Commandments

Focus Question #2

Read Ch 4 pgs 54-60 (6 pgs)

Vocabulary in Context Strategy

Grade 12 Disposition: Leadership Qualities
Big Ideas
• leadership
• power of the people
• governance
• rights and responsibilities of the people
• warning
• economic, political, social indicators that predict inequity
• active participation
• use and abuse of power
• The quality of leadership is determined by the involvement of the electorate.
• Leadership is a reflection of the majority of the electorate.
• Today's world demands an informed, involved, and engaged electorate to maintain a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
• Leadership is a shared responsibility of the leaders and of those being led.
• A component of responsible citizenship is knowing which leader to follow.
Freedom is not license, but responsibility. With freedom comes responsibility.

Week 3: Animal Farm by George Orwell

Read Ch 5
pgs 61-72 (9 pgs)
Focus Question #3

Ch 6,
pgs 73-82 (9 pgs)
Focus Question #4

Ch 7 pgs 84-97 (13 pgs)
Focus Question #5

Ch 8, pgs 98-113 (15 pgs)
Focus Question #6

Ch  9, pgs 114-126 (12 pgs)
Focus Question #7

Week 4:
Finish Watching Film
Comparison Movie / Book
Thanksgiving Break

Mon: Read Ch 10, pgs 127-139 (12 pgs)
Vocabulary in Context Strategy
Focus Question #8

Tues: Watch Movie Animal Farm
Unit Essential Questions
Think-Write-Pair-Share Procedure

Happy Thanksgiving


Essay Ideas

1. Allegory of the Human World:  Explain how the different characters in the book Animal Farm represent types of humans in the real world.  Use specific examples of humans.  Use specific examples of behavior from the book to show why they are alike.  Which world leaders today most closely resemble the pig Napoleon? What sort of people does Squealer represent?  Old Major?  Boxer?  The dogs?  Mollie? 
2. Old Major's view of the future was a bleak one for the animals under Jones. He even predicted that Boxer would be sold to the Knacker. His dream was for Utopian society without man and his evil ways. Discuss Old Major's view of the future and show how and why he was both correct and mistaken in his thinking. How does this relate to historical events?
3. Inaction: Although some of the animals are smart enough to recognize they are living under tyranny, they do not act. Do you think Orwell is passing judgment on the animals for not trying to change their situation? Does knowledge of a crime not coupled with action constitute agreement/collaboration in the crime?
4. Allegory of Russia: Write an essay describing how Orwell uses the animals in his novel to represent specific individuals and events of the Russian Revolution. Include specific information about the revolution and specific literary terms such as: character and characterization, setting, irony, imagery, conflict, symbol, theme, and allusion. Do you think Animal Farm's message would come across effectively to someone who knows nothing about Soviet history or the conflict between Stalin and Trotsky? What might such a reader make of the story?

5. Power Corrupts: Lord Acton once stated: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Using examples from Animal Farm, support Lord Acton's statement. Describe how the abuse of power causes three negative effects upon the animals of Animal Farm.
6. It has become evident by chapter six that all of the animals are not equal, and life on the farm is settling into familiar hierarchies and oppressions.  What do you think this says about Orwell's beliefs about human nature? Could this happen to our society? Why or why not?
7. Propaganda: How does Orwell explore the problem of propaganda in Animal Farm? What is a propagandist? What techniques does a propagandist use? Paying particular attention to the character of Squealer, how is language used as an instrument of social control? How do the pigs rewrite history? Analyze how Squealer uses various persuasive techniques to manipulate the animals.  Discuss how Squealer is able to convince the animals.  Read the passage from Chapter VII that begins with "'Comrades!'" cried Squealer,'" and ends "'Snowball's secret agents are lurking among us at this moment!'"
8. Discuss Boxer. What role does he play on the farm? Why does Napoleon seem to feel threatened by him? Unquestioning allegiance to authority invites abuse of power.  After overthrowing Mr. Jones and establishing their new government, the animals blindly follow Napoleon, failing to question his revisionist policies. Their submissiveness serves only to invite further abuses of power. 
9. the point of view of the author is represented in which characters in Animal Farm? Which of the animals or people do you think come(s) closest to achieving Orwell's perspective on Animal Farm?
10. The attack dogs represent the police force. What were the names of the secret police in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany? What powers did they have?  In what way is our own law enforcement becoming like the dogs of Animal Farm? 

Focus Questions
What are the responsibilities of the people to maintain a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people?
What are the indicators that our elected leaders are no longer upholding our constitutional rights? What are the warning signs? How do we heed them? What are appropriate actions?
What are the reciprocal responsibilities of the elected and the electorate?
Essential Questions
What responsibility do I have to society?
What can I do to avoid repeating mistakes made in history?
What kind of world do I want to live in?
What must I do to create the world in which I want to live?
What makes a good leader?
What leadership skills have I developed?
Under what circumstances will I be a leader or a follower?
How will I use my influence and leadership to create the world in which I want to live?

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Animal Farm, p. 133

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

"…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Abraham Lincoln

"There's a hole in the American system where the leadership used to be… The most effective answer to this leadership vacuum would be a new era of political activism by ordinary citizens." Bob Herbert, a New York Times op-ed writer of "liberal values".

"Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage." Dwight D. Eisenhower

"As learners of freedom, we might come to understand that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance." The Gospel According to America David Dark, a Christian writer

"If we are to preserve the American Dream for future generations, … We must begin with ourselves as individuals. A good starting point for each of us is to read the two most important documents that govern our lives as individuals and as a nation." War on the Middle Class, p. 197., Lou Dobbs, a populist author and op-ed host on CNN

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation." Robert Kennedy

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." John Kennedy

"The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use - of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert Kennedy

2nd Quarter Exam Review Checklist
as per ELA 12 Michigan Merit Curriculum Requirements, Page

Glossary Link 1: Meyer Literature Site
Glossary Link 2: U of N C, Pembroke
Our glossary is on pgs 1189-1203

Narrative Text

Genre Study
Characteristics of
cautionary tale
dystopian fiction

Author Study
George Orwell

Literary Elements
novella (political
anonymous narration
point of view

Literary Devices
maxim/motto/watchword motifs of songs and rituals

extended metaphor
objects, persons, and actions have symbolic meanings
personifications of abstract ideas
literal vs. symbolic meaning

Historical/Cultural Perspectives
Historical, political and cultural themes and perspectives

Critical Perspectives
Quotable lines
How would this situation be viewed today?
Connect to self - own perspective on issues of propaganda and leadership
Animal Farm and 1984 from the sociological (Marxist) perspective; evaluate the use and abuse of power.

Vocabulary Development
Animal Farm and 1984:
language of 1940's England - formal
words related to and from selections (Orwellian, Newspeak, unperson, doublethink, thoughtcrime)
academic vocabulary
technical/specialized vocabulary
word etymology and variation
find current uses in Google News

Features of Film
setting (geographical, historical, social milieu)
atmosphere (mood)
cinematography (camera placement and movement, lighting, color, focus, frame)
lighting (realistic, romantic, expressive, "dark," "surreal")
pace (fast-paced, slow-paced, "meditative," "poetic")
sound (realistic, expressive, simple vs. multi-layered)
music (soundtrack vs. source)
editing (cutting for continuity, cutting within a scene, cross-cutting, parallel editing, metaphorical/symbolic cutting)
character (complexity, development, believability)
acting (professional/non-professional, realistic, stylized/symbolic)
plot (story, subplots, drama)

Informational Text

Genre Study
Characteristics of
Google and Internet postings

Expository Elements (Moyers)
subtleties of sarcasm

Literary devices thesis, supporting ideas, statistical evidence

Historical/Cultural Perspectives
Historical and contemporary perspective

Critical Perspectives
Connect to self - own perspective on issues of leadership and propaganda
facts and opinions
writer's tone, (e.g., bias)