Publishing for Middle and High School Students

About Teens. An online magazine for teens that includes funny photos, jokes and humor, short stories and book reviews.  Submit only your own work for publication on this site. 

About: Creative Writing for Teens

About: Writer’s Challenge

Book Hooks.  Publishes book reviews online.

Concord Review. The first and only journal in the world for the academic work of secondary students of history, has published students in 38 states and 25 other countries. Essays average 5,000 words.  Published essays are considered for the Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize.


Crunch invites students are to share their opinions on this e-zine. The editors provide the topics and the guidelines, and students write reviews, poetry, or stories.

Cyberteens gives humor and upbeat articles receive special attention.

Frodo’s Notebook takes art and writing by teenagers seriously. Thirteen to nineteen year-olds around the world are producing stunning material—original art and literature, as well as criticism of the same— and we feature the very best of it in our publication.

Hanging Loose Magazine This site publishes student poetry and stories.

KidPub. This site, a great resource to publish student work, contains over 40,000 stories from kids.

Kids Bookshelf Publishes poems, short stories, artwork, and book reviews. You must have your teacher's permission to send in your work. Students 17 years of age and younger may send in their original short stories and poems to be published on this site. All entries should be written in English with correct spelling and grammar.

Merlyn's Pen. Students in grades 6-12 may submit writing, which will then be considered for both Merlyn's Pen Magazine and the American Teen Writer Book Series.  Less than 1% of all submissions are selected for publication.

Midlink Magazine. By kids from 8 to 18. Invites participation on specific themes. Has won many online awards.

Poetry Post. Ongoing. Work must be submitted by teachers.

Rainy Day Corner Writer's Guidelines. For writers 8-21. Also online (see below).

Rainy Day Corner Writer's Markets. For writers 8-21. Also in print.

Secret Life of Boys (The SLOB). New (Spring, 2002) e-zine based in New Zealand, exclusively for boys up to 14.

Skipping Stones: A Multicultural Magazine. An award-winning, international magazine, celebrating ecological and cultural diversity. Young readers and contributors of Skipping Stones, ages 8 to 16, hail from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Stone Soup Magazine. For students to age 13. Looking for "works that will inspire our readers to excel". High standards. Selects 50 stories and 10 poems a year. $

Teen Ink TeenInk's monthly print magazine, daily website and new book series are all written by teens for teens. We publish essays, short stories, reviews, interviews, poetry, art and photography, and have published more than 25,000 teens since 1989. Send us your work today!

Teen Ink. Teen Ink's monthly print magazine, daily website and new book series are all written by teens for teens. Publishes essays, short stories, reviews, interviews, poetry, art and photography, and have published more than 25,000 teens since 1989.

When Teens Write

Writers' Conference. Publishes The Writing Slate, a magazine that publishes original poetry and prose from students enrolled in grades K-12. Three issues per year are printed with one devoted to publishing winners of the writing contests.

Writ, The, is a monthly online writing magazine for teens!  Each month, we will feature a new genre, idea, or form of writing, and include teen works related to that topic in the issue.  From all teen works submitted, our staff of dedicated editors will select one teen to be the TEEN WRITER and have a special article printed with his or her writing…. Free of charge

Wyvern The writer must be thirteen years old.  This site publishes only imaginative fiction such as science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc.  Free of charge; must register.




Cicada Magazine is a literary magazine for teenagers and young adults.

Voices from the Middle: March 2006:  Sharing Multicultural Literature: In this issue, we’ll look at the contemporary and traditional literature you share with your students that brings diversity into your classroom.  What literary and expository texts help widen your students’ world?  How do you incorporate that literature into your curriculum?  What do you do with that literature beyond share it with students?  How do you define multicultural literature—is it only that literature that represents racial and ethnic diversity?  What makes a book multicultural?  What do your students say about reading multicultural literature?  How do you find and keep up with new multicultural titles?  Let us hear from you as you describe how you help your students find and enjoy this literature.  (Submission deadline: October 1, 2005.)

Voices from the Middle: May 2006: What books published between 1999—2006 have you most enjoyed?  We want to include responses from as many readers as possible, so please keep your comments to 700 words. (Deadline: January 3, 2006)