Instead of summarizing dialogue, use direct quotes. 

The story is required to have dialogue unless it is about a single character surviving in the wilderness or in a lifeboat.   

Use Direct Quotes. 

Three Technical Points

Place a comma between the quote and words that identify the speaker.
Speaker after quote:

"Please come," he said.

Speaker before quote:

He said, "Please come."

In dialogue, begin a new paragraph each time someone else starts speaking. 

Place end-punctuation inside quotation marks. 

He said, "Please come."

Direct quotes are enclosed  in quotation marks. Good writers use them because they make the reader feel like he or she is right there. 

"Please come to the party," he said. 

Avoid indirect quotations.  These are when the narrator  merely tells the reader what the characters said.  They do not need quotation marks.  Use them only occasionally. 

He asked me to come to the party.

As Mark Twain said, "Don't tell me that the old lady screamed, bring her on out and let her scream."