Complete rubric on Microsoft Word


The paper is less than two full pages or over eight pages.

The paper is just a collection of facts or statements about a topic, but in no way tries to prove a point. 

The paper makes a claim in the introduction, but most of the paper fails to argues this  point.

The paper is less than two full pages.

The paper lacks revision and proofreading.


The introduction clearly states a claim that the paper intends to argue.
An A or B paper does not try to "argue" for something
if no reasonable person would actually argue against it.

The paper actually argues this  point through the entire paper.
An A or B paper does not just present facts about the topic.

The paper is between two full pages and at most five pages.

The paper shows careful revision and proofreading.


The introduction makes a claim, but it is for something that no reasonable person would actually argue against. 
Or it tries to argue against something that no reasonable person would actually argue for. 

This paper's topic is  too broad. 

The paper makes a claim in the introduction, but then fails to actually argues this  point through the entire paper.

The paper lacks revision and proofreading.