What are GLCEs? 
Michigan's Department of Education has published a document listing everything they expect eighth graders to know or be able to do.  They call this list the
Grade Level Content Expectations, and we pronounce them glicks.   You can get your own copy of the GLCEs here in the original language. 

Reading Narrative Text (R.NT)

Stereotypes Across Genres
Students will investigate distortion and stereotypes of gender, race, culture, age, class, religion, and other individual differences.  The student will use classic, multicultural, and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit. 

Elements of Genre
Students will identify a variety of narrative genres, including stories, nursery rhymes, poetry, and songs.  Students will understand the purpose of each. 

Elements of a Narrative               
Students will analyze the role of rising and falling actions, minor characters in relation to conflict, and credibility of the narrator. 

Author's Craft                             
Students will analyze author's craft including symbolism, imagery, and consistency to develop credible narrators, rising and falling actions, and minor characters. 

Reading Informational Text (R.IT)

Elements of Genre
Students will analyze the structure, elements, features, style, and purpose of informational genre including comparative essays, newspaper writings, technical writings, and persuasive essays. 

Organizational Patterns
Students will analyze organizational patterns including chronological sequence, compare/contrast, and cause/ effect. 

Features of Text                       
Students will explain how authors use text features including graphics, author's pages, prefaces, and marginal notes, to enhance the understanding of central, key, and supporting ideas. 

Comprehension (R.CM)

Connection to the Real World
Students will connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses. 

Students will retell through concise summarization grade-level narrative and informational text. 

Deep Understanding         
Students will analyze global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions, making inferences, and synthesizing. 

Apply From Textbooks
Students will apply significant knowledge from grade-level science, social studies, and mathematics texts. 

Listen & View

Understand Speech or Presentation                 L.CN.08.01
Students will analyze main idea, significant details, fact and opinion, bias, propaganda, argumentation, or support when listening to or viewing a variety of speeches and presentations. 

Attend Critically and Respectfully                 L.CN.08.02
Students will listen to or view critically while demonstrating appropriate social skills of audience behaviors (e.g., eye contact, attentive, and supportive); critically examine the verbal and non-verbal strategies during speeches and presentations. 


React to and Apply from Speech or Presentation
Students will listen to or view knowledgeably a variety of genre to react to a speaker's intent and apply a speaker's reasoning to other situations.  L.RP.08.01

Respond Thoughtfully to a Speech or Presentation L.RP.08.02
Students will select, listen to or view knowledgeably, respond thoughtfully to both classic and contemporary texts recognized for quality and literary merit. 

Paraphrase and Ask Relevant Questions             L.RP.08.03
Students will paraphrase a speaker's main ideas, purpose, and point of view, and ask relevant questions about the content, delivery, and purpose of the presentation. 

Analyze Oral Interpretations Of Literature       L.RP.08.04
Students will analyze oral interpretations of literature (e.g., language choice, delivery) and the effect of the interpretations on the listener. 

Respond To Multiple Genres Heard or Viewed   L.RP.08.05
Students will respond to multiple text types when heard or viewed, by discussing, illustrating, and/or writing in order to anticipate and answer questions; determine personal and universal themes; and offer opinions or solutions. 

Evaluate The Credibility Of A Speaker          L.RP.08.06
Students will evaluate the credibility of a speaker by determining whether the speaker may have hidden agendas or be otherwise biased.

Interpret & Analyze Visual Image-Makers' Methods   L.RP.08.07
Students will interpret and analyze the various ways in which visual image-makers (e.g., graphic artists, illustrators) communicate information and affect impressions and opinions. 

Word Study    (R.WS)

Decoding Words                R.WS.08.01
Students will explain and use word structure, sentence structure, and prediction to aid in decoding and understanding the meanings of words encountered in context. 

Word History
Students will use structural, syntactic, and semantic analysis to recognize unfamiliar words in context including idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes to infer the history of the English language and common word origins. 

Increase Sight-Word Vocabulary       
Students will automatically recognize frequently encountered words in print with the number of words that can be read fluently increasing steadily across the school year. 

Understand Vocabulary
Students will know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level reading and oral language contexts. 

Vocabulary Strategies
Students will acquire and apply strategies to identify unknown words and construct meaning. 

Word Attack                     
Students will in context, determine the meaning of words and phrases including content area vocabulary and literary terms using strategies including activating prior knowledge, using text features/structures, and authentic content-related resources. 

Read Fluency
Students will
fluently read beginning grade-level text and increasingly demanding texts as the year proceeds. 


Self-Monitor Reading                 R.MT.08.01
Students will self-monitor comprehension when reading or listening to text by automatically applying and discussing the strategies used by mature readers to increase comprehension including: predicting, constructing mental images, visually representing ideas in text, questioning, rereading or listening again if uncertain about meaning, inferring, summarizing, and engaging in interpretive discussions. 

Skills                    R.MT.08.02
Students will plan, monitor, regulate, and evaluate skills, strategies, and processes for their own reading comprehension by applying appropriate metacognitive skills. 


Engage in Discourse S.DS.08.01
Students will engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning in book clubs, literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols. 

Respond To Multiple Text Types S.DS.08.02
Students will respond to multiple text types in order to explore problems and pose solutions supported with evidence, take a stand on an issue and support it, and identify personally with a universal theme.

Discuss Written Narratives S.DS.08.03
Students will discuss written narratives with a variety of literary and plot devices (e.g., description of relevant situations, well-chosen details, relevant dialogue, specific action, and physical description of characters). 

Deliver A Planned Presentation           S.DS.08.04
Students will plan, outline, & deliver an informational presentation using precise and vivid language in the active voice; organizing logically to convey the message; applying persuasive non-verbal techniques; making use of rhetorical strategies to support the purpose of the presentation & to positively impact the intended audience. 

Speaking Conventions

Enunciate S.CN.08.01
Students will adjust their use of language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes by using enunciation to emphasize key ideas and concepts when presenting. 

Speak Effectively S.CN.08.02
Students will speak effectively using body language including gestures, posture, facial expressions, tone of voice, and pace of speaking to enhance meaning and influence interpretation in narrative and informational presentations. 

Standard American English CN.08.03
Students will present in standard American English if it is their first language.  (Students whose first language is not English will present in their developing version of standard American English.)

Writing Genres

Write a Narrative                                   W.GN.08.01
Students will write a cohesive narrative piece such as poetry, historical fiction, science fiction, or realistic fiction that includes appropriate conventions to genre employing literary and plot devices (e.g., narrator credibility, rising and falling actions and/or conflict, imagery and transitional language). 

Write an Exposition
Students will write an historical expository piece such as a journal, biography, or simulated memoir that includes appropriate organization, illustrations, marginal notes and/or annotations. 

Formulate Research Questions         
Students will formulate research questions that demonstrate critical evaluation of multiple resources, perspectives, and arguments/counter-arguments that culminate in a presented final project using the writing process. 

Handwriting                                           W.HW.08.01
Students will write neat and legible compositions. 

Spelling                                               W.SP.08.01
In the context of writing, students will use correct spelling conventions. 

Critical Standards                                       

Students will evaluate the appropriateness of shared, individual and expert standards based on purpose, context, and audience in order to assess their own writing and the writing of others. 


Students will be enthusiastic about reading and do substantial reading and writing on their own.