The Proof Is In the Pudding....

Suspicious Pudding!

(L to R) Standing: Anna, Anthony, Dave, Sarah, and Dan

Sitting/Kneeling: Mike and Kevin



     Welcome to the online home of "Suspicious Pudding." We are an improvisational comedy group based on the campus of  Western Michigan University . If you're wondering what in the hell improvisational comedy is, take a look at the television program "Whose Line Is It Anyway." Much like this show, our shows are made up on the spot based on audience suggestions. No script writing or scene preparation takes place. Once we hear a suggestion from our audience, it instantly becomes part of the comedy on stage.

Upcoming Shows

Cast Profiles


     This web page is only in its very preliminary stages. Lots more is soon to come including pictures, group profiles, and upcoming show information. Check back often! Suspicious Pudding is always on the move!

For more immediate information, email  Dave or  Kevin to get the scoop on what's going on or what may be known that isn't yet on this web page.