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Total_AJ_Fan and Stefwithaf's

General Hospital Pages

Last Updated!

Monday, October 20, 2003 04:00:06 AM EDTMassive Reconstruction coming soon!

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Note: Total_AJ_Fan and Stefwithaf are the same person, why do I have two names? I don't have just two!!!! I have more!!!! and WHY?!? Because I can that's why...

An Awesome Summary from the Gate

The Gate: Harbor View: Biographies: A.J. Quartermaine

My Profile on the Q's from my Other Site

My General Hospital Background

Okay...My Mix of the AJ Time Line!!!

Info soon...

My Mix of AJ Time Line

New Character Section!

AJ & Kin

More AJ and Carly Fanfic? Check my Links

More Coming Soon!

Thanks For visting my site! Since July 13, 1999, I have been adding more and more to this site. I thank all of you readers and friends that inspired me to create this site. And for General Hospital, for creating this wonderful character, and for also driving me nuts sooooooo much that I had to express it somehow, this way!!! Later all, I hope that you visit once again!!!


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Please use the above e-mail, on things based on this site or my other websites. I have another e-mail address that I use more, and some of you know it, but I get soooo much mail to my other address that it is nuts. So....please use , if you can, Thanks!


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