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#Michigan Chat Party Pics


Hope you enjoy, laugh, or are embarassed... whichever applies.

Please contact me if you have pics scanned or too be scanned for placement here or if you would like your pic removed.

Lansing '99

Thanks to Jab and all her hard work, Lansing '99 was a great success.

Had a great turn out and everyone enjoyed getting to know the people behind their monitors.

If you didnt make this one, be sure to try for the next.

Again thanks for everyones help in making it one of the best to date.



Pics will take a few minutes to download first time.

Jab, Confuzed, RedWingFan, & AnnDKitty . Catsmeow & Rita

donzi, bigguy, bettyboop, RedWingFan, & Curt

Starman & Lisa . . . WingsRule & Bear . . . Jill & Pammy

Radar . . .ziggy . . .Jab's autographed apron

HeyTrueBlue & Purdy . . . BigGuy


there are more to still be added...

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