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TriviaChat is the game bot. I have modified, tweaked, and I like to think.. have continued to improved him to be much better then the average online trivia bots out there. I have now added new question lists that total over 20,000 questions (think you can memorize them all now =o þ ).


Star is one of the two Founders of TriviaChat (^BeAr^ being the other). He enjoys adding new and interesting things to the bots and of course flirting with the regs. To see pics and know more about him click his name above.


Bear has been Missing In Action lately do to work and moving. He is hoping to be back with us soon and helping to provide you with even more Trivia, more Fun, and of course ... more of the crazy antics of Bear that we have all come to expect from him. Hopefully there will soon be a site and pic of him available soon also.

Mikey_Mouse, {-Roxy-}

Mel`, ComputerMum

These are a few of the regs. Soon as they get me their info I will post it here and hopefully a pic to put a face to the nick.

Basic commands available to you are:

1. !hint, !!hint, & !last <~~~~ these will get you various hints and clues.

2. !won <~~~~ to get your score.

3. !repeat <~~~~ repeats the current question in play.

As time and patience allows I will be finally updating this site for you. Please check back soon!

Play some fun trivia below ...

Online button3.gif (27268 bytes) Cards!

Last Update: March 13th, 2001

copyright Star*Text 2000/2001