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Shining Force 2 - News

This is the News, or Updates, section.

7/1/00 - Finished the 2nd part of the Guide. Look for part 3 soon.

6/30/00 - Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I put in a guess that weapon thing on the homepage, and updated the Battle Guide. Soon I'll be on part 3...

6/21/00 - I am updating the Guide 2 Page. I hope Moogie creates a link to my site soon... See if she did at!

6/12/00 - Took out the contest, becuase no one tried. I guess there aren't many SHF2 sites out there. You can still get your URL posted, just e-mail me. I Started Part 2 of the Guide. Click on the link to the left, or there is a link on the Part 1 page. Will update more later.

6/11/00 - Updated Shf2 Guide page. Then logged off.

6/8/00 - Sorry, couldn't update yesterday. Can't today, either. I responded to my e-mails and then logged off. SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!

6/6/00 - Updated Battle Guide. More updates to come. Only 1 more day... YES!;^)

6/5/00 - Added contest... See homepage. As soon as I get 400 or so hits, I will announce the winners. Also started the item location guide on the Items page. Only 2 more days of school...;^)

6/4/00 - Added a poll on the bottom of the homepage. I voted for Zeon! Couldn't update anymore, because I had homework. Only 3 more days of school...;^)

6/3/00 - Updated that corny intro paragraph. I'm going to start updating the items page as promised. If I have time, I'll also start the Weapons page. Just added a poll to the Home page.

5/7/00 - Added all the items. Promised page for weapons, coming soon. Will probably finish the Mithril page today.

5/6/00 - Just added the "News" feature. Updated the Items section, the Devils Counterattack section, and fixed the error on the Story page, so now there is music. Netscape users, you won't hear any music at all, sorry. More updates to come.