The Bordello Boys: Female Sex Tourism
By Mike Marino

A happy hymen is a relaxed hymen and why not? Thanks to womens liberation and female domination, the Labia Legions of Leggy Ladies are taking men by the short hairs and having their sexual way with male prostitutes! Prostituion and sex tourism has been coming out of the social closet in the past decades, and no, it's not just for men anymore looking for the services of a nubile Asian hooker, or doing a little cowpoking at the Mustang Ranch in Nevada, or getting his ass beat raw by a Dom in Amsterdam!. It's a new era, the era of Eros, and the labias are in overdrive and on the male prostitution prowl worldwide, cock leash in hand as they too search of the perfect piece of male ass to wham...bam..thank you man!. So move over tits and's time for cock and ass as male prostitution takes center stage in the world of Female Sex Tourism!

Male prostitution has been around since ancient civilizations began. Usually male and female slaves were forced into prostitution by their Masters and Mistresses in ancient Rome and Greece. The males were primarily used as homosexual prostitutes, and the females were used to also please the male captors, but there were cases where the males (and females) were used as prostitutes for the powerful female gentry of the region where they served.

There actually were Amazons that prowled Eastern Europe capturing males as prostitutes for the tribe and also for procreation purposes. The male offspring sold into slavery while the female offspring were brought up as warriors. Males were also used as pony sex slaves by women and when Female Domination became widespread as a lifestyle, males were and are kept has sex slaves and domestic servants. Today, those undercurrent subcultures have grown faster then a male erection, as a result Female Sex Tourism has stepped through the looking glass looking to get a piece of that erection! In the world of Female Sex Tourism, the male prostitute is nothing more than a humn dildo that doesn't need batteries. He is the new sex worker on the street and in the brothel Brother, and he has made the transistion from the rough trade homosexual plaything of the past, to his new place on the prostituiton pedestal as her ladyships boy toy!

There are many forms of sex tourism for females, and not all of it is about sex. Yes, romance has it's place in the palace of pleasure, but the two tend to overlap when the search for romance is ingnited. On the purely sexual level, it is cut and dry with no strings attached and emotional involvment is not a guiding factor on this carnal river of no return.

Sex tourism is a growth industry and certain countries excell at it more than others. In the US lady can now pay for and get a hot hunk in the sack at brothels in Nevada where it is now legal. The studs are kept in brothels much as the prostitutes at the Mustang Ranch. They are paraded and displayed for the customers and when a decision has been made, the male then goes with his female client to perform as she directs him in any manner of sexual antics. Males for sale and rent are not limited to just prostitution. They are also used in massage parlors that cater strictly to females and act as fantasy booth dancers in female oriented clubs. Of course male strippers have been around in the form of the Chippendales and other imitative dance groups and for private bachelorette parties, but, meat and potatoes sex with males as legal prostitutes is something new...and it's taking the world by storm.

If Eve were a prostitute, her vagina would effectively by the Garden of Eden, but, in the new book of sexual Genesis, Adams genitals would be the snake! But where are these "snake laden" labia hunting grounds of male prostitution that Eve's Heat Seeking Garden is in search of, with all the frenetic fervor of Lewis and Clark, as she unlocks the secret locations of male appendages and secretions that will insert nicely into her Northwest Passage!

Europe has always lead the way to sexual freedom of expression with out repression, and is today a hot bed so to speak of Female Sex Tourism. Italy, Greece, Albania and Spain for example offer up male prostitutes by the bucketful. They are chosen for their looks, expertise and of course ample length and girth of their Moby Dick if you want to bring some form of literature into this piece. The Italians and Spaniards can schmooze while they screw, while a Greek and Albanian can get downright anal. Europe has liberated the female libido by offering a variety of male whores and in any age group. It's like playing Twister on viagra with a group hardon and the women now instigate the gangbang as man eating flesh hungry hymens have their way with their boy toy whores.

Other areas overseas with a revolving zipper mentality are Africa, Indonesia and Thailand. In Thailand, a Female Sex Tourist can literally bang a cock in Bangkok while getting her nipples and tits hard in Tunisia. Speaking of Thailand...there is a city called Phuket..honest! I can see the t-shirt now "Fuck It in Phuket!" Simlar to one that would read "I Got Laid in Laos!"

While American, Canadian and Scandinavian women, according to recent sex studies have no specific preference of where they go to pay for sex, the Japanese female prefers to ball in Bali. Ecuador, Costa Rica, Jamaica and Martinique are g-spot geo for the girl on the go in the Caribbean, as more and more Geman women are traveling to Morocco and Tunisia! Where's Rommel when we need him?

America and Canada still have a ways to go to catch up in the romp in the sack round the world arena for Female Sex Tourism but it is starting to grow faster than a hard on in a harem. Many males are also now filling the private harems of rich women in India and most ae Caucasion and Japanese males who are used as sex slaves by the harem owners and rented out to rich tourists as prostitutes.

The most common image of the male prostitute is that of the gigilo. The Female Sex Tourist is mainly looking for a romantic involvment with sexual activity at the same time. The romance is generally one sided however, as the male is merely cashing in on sex for money with a few well placed romantic words and a bottle of wine. That too is changing as Females have had enough of that and now pursue the gigilo but generally as an escort and for sex only. Why kid yourself ladies? He's really just a prostitute in a tuxedo with a dozen roses. He's a whore so use him as one!

The male whore in sex tourism countries is generally cheaper than a female whore for the male sex tourist so there are economic reasons for the female to traverse the globe in quest of the Holy Grail of Genital Gratification. Also, in the changing attitude among women, there is the subtle drive of the female in the dominant role of the male who as a prostitute is in the submissive role. The average female sex tourist is middle to upper class from a developed country who is independent as hell, single mostly, married in many cases. If the male whore is younger than the female client she is generally referred to as a "sugar mama" or a "cougar" and the young male is referred to as "boy toy" or "kept boy" Pimps are not usually involved in male prostitution although in the bordellos they work for a Madam and in many cases are kept on sight and not allowed to leave the premise without permission and have a sexual quota to fullfill to pay the Madam her cut. Violence is minimal to male whores in bordellos with the exception being to the male street whore in the rough trade of homosexual encounters. Then all bets are off.

One final warning...a male prostitute is a whore and as in any situation, venereal disease is a risk. Most are checked regularly as are female prostititutes but use caution anyway. As female sex tourism takes off like a rocket and the penis radar is working on overdrive, enjoy the ride...whether you'r on top or on bottom...remember it doesn't rented that boy toy and he's yours for a few bucks for a few fucks! So it's time to buy American! Shop Canadian! Canada has plenty of beaver and pubic forests..surely there are enough male hardwood genetalia to go for America lets put those large flag poles to good use to attact the female sex tourist a female can come to America and get a good old fashioned Red White and Blue Screw!