Lolita and the All Girl School Girls (Where is Roman Polanski?)
By Mike Marino

The Sixties were more than rolling papers and was also an age of Forbidden Sex and Forgotten Movies on the Silver Screen...films like Lolita, I Am Curious Yellow (& Blue) Both colors are the colors of the Swedish flag, as it is a Swedish Film..ABBA came later and that had the potential for some great girl on girl action with natural blondes! Ah, and then there was Therese and Isabelle. More in a moment...stay tuned, turned on and dropped out...

I had read Lolita before I saw the film and had also read the Curious books first as well. Therese and Isabelle was also a short novel but never read it until after the what was this fascination with Lesbianism and Jailbait Sexual Encounters of the Third Kind? Ok, girl on girl is still a hot commodity..ok, I admit to a voyeuristic lean in that erection direction. Sue Lyon who was only 14 in 1962 at the time of filming was the bra filling sex dripping nymphette star of Stanley Kubrick's ground breaking "Lolita" a racy raucous novel written by Nabokov, one of my favorite authors. He pulls no punches. The story is about a middle aged man who is absolutely obsessed with the young teen, who does her best to foster the feeling below his Mason-Dixon belt line giving hope to him that "his South will rise again" and penetrate virgin territory and gain ground. James Mason, fresh from his Journey to the Center of the Earth plays Humbert Humbert...imagine Marino Marino..never mind..back to our also stars Peter Sellers and Shelley Winters who nobody wants to do...they all want a piece of Lolita and hell, who wouldn't...

Then there was Therese and Isabelle...Therese is thrown into the pubic briarpatch of an all girls school where she meets Isabelle and soon they are under the covers of discovery copping jailbait feels after experiencing brutal sex with older men and boys, so they do what comes naturally after such altercations...become lesbians much to the delight of an eager theater audience. But...they find more than sex..they also find true love and understanding which for the budding Sixties was a taboo subject at best...

Yellow and Blue, Lolita, Therese and Isabelle..these were pioneering females, filmakers and films that broke on through to the other side of the looking glass of conformity. Underage sex, lesbianism, and multiple sex partners...the Sixties were about to explode with much more freedom of expression and free speech..along with a dose of free love...but the doors of sexual perception were already unlocked...thank you Sue Lyon for giving us Lolita...we are now still blue and yellow...but no longer curious...infatuated yes, curious, no....