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A REAL update. Wow!!!

Sometimes I even amaize myself. I actually remembered about this website! Anywho, here is the new 2002-2003 topic. (And I promise more updates soon!)

Resolved: That the United States federal government should substantially increase public health services for mental health care in the United States.

An update! (sort of)

Since Jim has threatened me with bodily harm, I have decided to up date the site. It will soon be moving Here.

New 2001-2002 Topic!

The 2001-2002 resolution has been declared!

Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy significantly limiting the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The topic for 2000-2001 has been declared!

RIGHT OF PRIVACY - Resolved: That the United States federal government should significantly increase protection of privacy in one or more of the following areas: employment, medical records, consumer information, search and seizure.

Please Check all of the following sections to see what you can add!!! Cases are welcome from the general public, as long as they are on subject. Also, please drop us and e-mail Here if you have any questions.

The Lighter Side

There was a couple who where visiting Los Vegas for their aniversity. The wife was going to have a nice dinner with her husband in one of the casino's fine restaurants. She had won a bucket full of quarters and was going to take them to their room before meeting her husband downstairs. When the elevator door opened there were all ready two people on. From what she saw they were both black one was short but solidly built and the other was very tall and muscular. The lady was very much intimadated and afraid. Her first thoughts were if these men were theives or worse, but she didn't want to apear as a racist or bigot. She got onto the elevator with nervouse steps. Then the tall man said, "hit the floor." Instinctively she fell to the floor and quarters flew everywhere. The next thing that happenned was the tall man helped her up and said,"I'm sorry if I frightened you, I was just telling my friend to hit the button for our floor." The two men helped her pick up the quarters and walked with her walk to her room asking if she was OK. As she closed the door she heard the two men laughing as they walked away. She was embarrassed, but also ashamed she had judged two people so wrong. When she got back to her room after dinner she found five roses with a hundred dollar bill attached to each and a note saying, "Thank you. We have never had this good a laugh in years." Signed, "Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan."

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