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Schrader Environmental Services

Remediation Equipment Technologies

A link is provided for used and rental equipment page.  Pictures and complete descriptions of equipment and rental units are provided.  

  We specialize in rentals of dual phase extraction systems.

 Schrader  Environmental is also a leading supplier for industrial air pollution control equipment in the State of Michigan. Please visit our Air Pollution Control Equipment website.   

Over 15 years experience in groundwater and soil remediation equipment and installations:  

Carbon Adsorption Equipment and Services
Schrader Environmental - (Lansing, Michigan)
Carbon system rentals available.

Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging Equipment
   SVE and Dual phase mobile system rentals available. 

 Catalytic/Thermal Oxidation - Vapor Treatment Systems
   Schrader Environmental - (Ovid, Michigan)

   Low Profile and air stripper tower sales and rental units.. Rentals and sales.

Oil/Water Separators
    Coalescing and other separation technologies. Rentals available.

Ultraviolet-light Enhanced Chemical Oxidation
   Solox, Inc. (Dallas, Texas)

Scaling and Mineral Reduction Systems
   Freije Treatment Systems - (Indianapolis, Indiana)

Spray-Aeration Vacuum Extraction Systems
IC - Engine system for vapor extraction and treatment. Rental units are vailable.


Dale Schrader                  Phone: (989) 875-6500
or Scott Anderson            Fax: (989) 875-8880             

Contact us for further information