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Ultimate Aerosmith Links Guide

^A^ brought to you by Robin's Cloud ^A^

Aerosmith Today

Here's the BIGGEST & BESTEST list of Aerosmith On the Web:

A Site For Sore Eyes - The Best List Of Aerosmith Online!!!

Come Together - Sites gathered here are pretty standard aero-sites, they just seemed to Come Together! Also ^A^ Foreign Languages!

This Page is a tribute to the best band ever, AEROSMITH!!!!!
Everyone who has an Aero-site has to have a tribute, however I couldn't possibly create as awsome an Aero-site as my favroites on the web, so I'm sharing them all with you! Thanks to all of them for my inspiration and Aero-education!!!

Here is Steven's New Year's Prayer from 2000 in Japan

Steven in Japan
Oh great spirit manifested in all things
As infinite intelligence of the universe
The one God of all religions called by many names
Bring our hearts together in peace
So we may realize that all things are connected through you
Remove all our fear
So we may see the true meaning and purpose of our existence
Fill our souls with your spirit
So we may join together will all loving beings
To bring peace and joy to all the world
According to your plan
So thy will be done
And peace forever.

Here's a pic of Steven from the first time I remember seeing Aerosmith...

Robin's Cloud (Webmistress' Main Page)