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Sermons by Rev. Rob Henderson



Ecclessiastes 9:11-12 September 16, 2001am

There is a well-known musical composition known as Schubert’s “Unfinished Symphony.” To the ears of a novice, and I have not heard this particular music, the composition sounds like finished work. However, Franz Peter Schubert died after only completing two movements of the necessary four movements to make a symphony. And so it is called the “Unfinished Symphony.” The classical listener is only left with his imagination of what this symphony would or could only sound like had the composer lived beyond his short thirty-one years. However, its ending came as abruptly as the ending of the composer himself.

For many grieving families this morning we are reminded that life ends at a time when most are not ready. For the many victims who have died this last week, their lives are an unfinished symphony that will be only left to the imaginations of the aggrieved who will reflect on what might have been for their children and families.

On Tuesday morning at approximately 9 am a hijacked airline jet was steered into one tower of the World Trade Center. Minutes later a second jet hit the other tower. In Washington, DC the Pentagon was struck by yet another hijacked airplane. Later, a fourth hijacked airliner crashed into the ground in Pennsylvania. It is believed that there would have been others had it not been for the immediate grounding of all airplanes.

During the course of this exhausting week we have watched the endless work of search and rescue and witnessing more search than rescue. Unfortunately, more and more bodies are recovered and there have been very few survivors since the first day.

We have seen the devastation on the faces of moms and dads, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, searching for loved ones who are not accounted for. Each story of survival magnifies the enormity of the circumstance that the victims faced and the likelihood that few survivors are left.

We have observed the government doing its duty in seeking out those who are ultimately responsible for what is called a “cowardly act.” We have prayed and sought for special anointing on our president and those closest to him as they make decisions that will change the face of our world.

We have all had that gut wrenching feeling that before this ends, we will be in a war. We are concerned that our sons and daughters will be sent off to fight an enemy that is every bit as fanatical as those who carried out the attacks. And our fear is that some of our soldiers will not be coming home.

As we have read this scripture, I trust that we will be reminded of a few important truths that will help us to further understand the circumstances that are now ours to bear.

1) Everyone, both good and evil will meet the same conclusion. We know that within the wreckage’s are the bodies of both good and evil persons. Of course, we recognize the perpetrators as evil; and with good reasons. And we also know that within these casualties there were those who knew Jesus Christ as Savior. That is what makes them good. But in the final analysis, their end is the same.

2) God holds everyone in His hands of time. Each one of us is given opportunities to make right choices in our lives. And when our life ends, as it will someday, these activities will end. There will no second chances to live life over again, no second chances to make a different decision, and no second chances to say or do something different. Our life is but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. God’s gift to us is life; and when this life ends let no man say that God took his life because in the scope of scripture it was never really our life to start with.

3) The time of our end in this life is unknown to us. Just as a fish is unaware that the bait is only a means to lure him to an end and just as a bird dances into a trap unaware that the trap is there, so is man who lives his life unaware that there will a time when his life will cease. And what makes that even more difficult is not knowing when or how it will end.

When we consider the situation that has hammered our country and when we contemplate the results we must be conscious of the truth of God’s Word and the value of that truth.

Let me say in no uncertain terms:


God did not do this to anyone. Just as God tempts no man to sin, neither does he cause men to commit these crimes. I am so tired of hearing over the years that events like this were “meant to be.” As if God is some kind of cosmic kill-joy. I disagree with many of my colleagues in the ministerial field on this point. God is not a terrorist. Christians are not to be fatalist nor are we existentialist- where we only concern ourselves with the events that happen to us. We are believers in Jesus Christ. And the only thing we can really know in this world is Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

The question that is laid before us today has been turned over thousands of times for over thousands of years: “Why?”

Why did this happen?

Why, why, why?

Every morning this week I have awoke to the fierce reality of what has taken place. Like a blow to the abdomen the reality rocks my thinking: this was no dream. This happened, this is real, and we seem to be in a nightmare.

As I have prayed and searched God’s Word, my hope is that perhaps we can come away with a better sense of the occurrence and an improved vision of the “God who is there.”

The first subject that we must consider is this:


Why is there human suffering? Let’s try to understand a few points about suffering.

Suffering is an intrusion into God’s universe. This is not the way it was supposed to be. In the beginning, this is not what God chose to have happen. Yet mankind, in his own selfish, self-centered self-interest, decided that he could be like God and know good and evil. And boy do we know it now!!

God originally created everything good. Sin was not a part of God’s plan. This was not some kind of cosmic game that He decided to play. Adam’s choice to sin brought evil into our world. Adam represented all of mankind. None of us would have done any different. We all stand guilty and responsible before God.

God did not create evil; God created the choice. And each one of us chooses to either do good or evil. That is a basic human choice that we have. It’s not that the choice of doing right or wrong will get you into heaven or hell, but that the choice to do something positive or negative is up to us. We are not pawns in a galaxy chess match. But when faced with the offer of Jesus Christ as Savior, we must then decide: we can either choose wisely or foolishly.

Sometimes there is an element of human responsibility and sometimes there is none. Sometimes we are struck with human tragedy because of someone else’s intentional act of inhumanity and sometimes there is affliction for no other reason than we live in a fallen world. None of us can control the tornado or hurricane or earthquake. But I am here to tell you that the still small voice of God can speak loud and clear in the midst of our worst tragedy. And I believe that God is speaking to America in His still small voice.

CS Lewis writes of the how God speaks to men through pain and suffering: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

And let’s realize something: God can choose to impose Himself on human events or He can withhold His hand. Sometimes He will reach into the fish bowl and rescue and at other times He will not. But in the meantime we need to have the confidence to believe that He holds all things in His hands, He hears our prayers and cares about our sorrows.

The wife of one victim was asked if she thought, “What if he had taken the original flight rather than change plans?” She responded by saying, “I won’t ask ‘What if.’ This is what has happened and now this is what we have to deal with.” (paraphrase)

The Psalmist said it best as he usually does: “Weeping may come for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5b) Yes there is much weeping. But let’s pray that God will grant us the victory in the end.

Perhaps it would do us well to consider the Divine example that Jesus gave to us in times like these:

What did Jesus do?

Jesus dedicated himself to eradicating human suffering. Where there was hunger, He fed the thousands with what was available. Where there was pain, He touched and healed. And where there was a funeral, He turned a family’s night into day.

However, Jesus taught that there is something far worse than human pain: and that is the life hereafter. What suffering we endure now will be nothing compared to an eternity without God.

Let’s understand that human suffering is a result of sin. And God did not create sin. We cannot blame God. This imperfect world cannot obliterate our life’s anguish and distress. There is evil everywhere. Death is sure and definite but its timing undetermined.

There is another issue that we must contemplate today:


Jeremiah 17:6 tells us that “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.” At the core of our world’s problems is humanity. And at the core of humanity is the human heart. And at the core of the human heart is sin. We are ultimately responsible for the condition of our world.

The Bible is quite clear that the human heart is impure. Sin is ruler, regent and royalty in the heart of every person born into this world. We are all under sin: “There is no one who is righteous; not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.” (Romans 3:10) We all stand guilty before the Almighty with blood on our hands, guilt in our consciences and transgressions in our hearts.

And furthermore, the heart is unchangeable. You can weed it, you can hoe it and you can plant new seeds in it, but if the ground is contaminated to start with nothing will grow properly. You can do all the good for all the right reasons and still fall short. You can love with all of your human energy but it will still fall short.

I have heard over the past week how we need to pray that our world would become a world of peace and a brotherhood of love. But, my friends, this is impossible. It cannot and will not happen. The condition of the human heart dictates this. How can we ever expect world peace in our time when the human heart is full of the kind of evil we have witnessed? Jesus said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars...” [and let us not forget the rest of the verse, “...but see to it that you are not alarmed.”] (Matthew 24:6)

However, He also said “The poor will always be with you.”

I add that last quote on purpose. Just because there is always warring and world peace is not possible does not absolve us, especially as Christians, from being peace-makers. But let’s understand that peace and love between human beings is only as effective as the cross of Jesus Christ is in our life and the life of our adversaries. Security through the leadership of our governments is what allows Christians to live “peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” We have learned this over the 225 years of our nation’s existence.

I don’t want to paint a bleak picture of our world. Yes, mankind has accomplished so much. Yes, mankind can and does good for the world. Yes, mankind has potential. However, the answers to our problems lie not in some medical, social or technical advancement or even in the forces of the world’s armies but in the promises of our Father in Heaven.

And so what is ultimately the real answer to the question “Why?”


Perhaps you recall my message to you a few weeks back. God promises to give a new heart and new Spirit. Ezekiel 36:26-27 tells us:

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.”

The answer to the problems we face can only begin with Jesus Christ. Despite our tragedy and circumstances, we can only begin with Jesus Christ.

The scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14 was not intended for the United States. There is no doubt that we as a nation have sinned. I don’t question that. However, this scripture is for the people of God.

Listen to the words: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Folks, the sinners of this nation are doing what they are supposed to do and that is “sin.” They sin because they are sinners. The problem with our nation is not the sinners who are sinning but the people of God who go to the sin closet rather than the prayer closet. So many Christians are selfish and think only of themselves, their own desires and opinions, and the petty sins that puff up the heart.. This tragedy should not be a wake up call to the nation but a wake up call to the Church. Perhaps the reason why the Church in America is not growing and seeing our nation changed is because we personally are not growing. Each church and each Christian should be on their faces before a holy God confessing their sins. Why? Because we name the name of Jesus Christ. And this gives us no other reason. We are responsible for the circumstances in our nation. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the sin in our country.

Ultimately, we are a needy people. The Church in America has lost her first love. Instead we are lovers of ourselves and other things rather than lovers of God. We have a form of godliness but deny its power. We must wake up and quit going to Church and start being the Church.

We have a world out there that needs Jesus Christ... desperately. What is more, each one of us needs Him desperately also. There are hurting people who need answers. But more than answers, they need Jesus.

Whenever I encounter people with tragic problems, I can only deal with the spiritual issues. I am not a doctor nor am I a psychiatrist. I am a minister of the Gospel. If a person does not know Jesus Christ as Savior in their heart, there will be a lot of difficulty for them to understand the ramifications of their suffering or the problems they meet.

While we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5) While I was counted as one of those who was born into sin, Jesus loved me enough to die for me. When I was choosing to do evil against God, Jesus chose to do good for me. When I sinned, when I pounded the nails and jeered, Jesus died for me.

The bottom line, is not the pain and tragedy of this world and the suffering that I will endure. The bottom line is the pain and suffering in the world to come. What is my choice going to be?

I suppose we could ask all of the religions around the world what the answers are for this and we would get a multitude of responses. However, we must realize that “once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide.” (Sing to the Lord Hymn # 551) The choice to follow Christ is ours individually and then as a collective nation. What are we going to do to share with our neighbors that they need Jesus?

And now the conclusion of the matter:

Does God care about evil in our world? Absolutely! So what is God doing about it? If God were truly the Almighty wouldn’t He remove evil from the world?

I am here to tell you that God is removing evil from this world. And He is doing this work through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Whenever a sinner comes to grace, evil is dealt a blow. When one person calls Jesus “Lord” to the glory of the Father, evil is backed up on it’s heels.

Through Jesus Christ, bad people like us are being made good; “new and disease-free bodies are on the way” and we will live in a reconstructed world. And then Paul assures us with these words: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18) (James I. Packer, The Case for Christianity)

I don’t know what will happen in our world as a result of this terrible attack. However, I do know that despite living in a world of instability and distress, we are secure in the faith and love of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I close with this simple yet profound story:

There was a particular campmeeting in the early part of the 1800’s. The meeting had been in progress for several days. Those gathered waited intently for the moving of God’s spirit. Suddenly, while the multitude was praying God moved. The Holy Spirit swept across that crowd. A young man suddenly jumped to his feet and began leaping and dancing. Simultaneously, a young woman sprang forward and began to worship the Lord in prayer and song. At some point she grasped his hand and they worshipped God together. A week later Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks were married.

On her death bed, Nancy Lincoln admonished her nine year old son, Abraham, to be faithful to his Heavenly Father. (Deliver Us From Evil by Ravi Zacharias)

What would have happened if our president during the Civil War were not a man who loved his heavenly Father? You see, “who Lincoln was in private is what made him what he was in public.” His faith no doubt was grounded on his knees as he pleaded for our nation.

I am grateful to know that President George Bush is a Christian. Not a Christian in name, but in character. I don’t care what political party he is from; that is irrelevant. It would do us all well to lift him up in prayer and fasting as our nation faces the tough days ahead.

And what is more, it would do us all well to confess our own sin before God and proclaim the joyful sound: Jesus Saves!