
(It's a packed Thursday night inside the “Hollywood Nites” nightclub. As usual the DJ has the music cranked up, people are enjoying themselves on the dance floor, the place is packed with people just having a great time. Tonight there are NO cameras around as the RCW Southern Heritage Champion relaxes in one of the elevated hot tubs that overlooks the dance floor. Joining him are his girlfriend Heather Divine, his agent “Slick” Mick Morrison, and a brunet girl that is seated next to Mick. The brunet is Karen Starr, one of the girls that trains and competes with Heather in Glory & Pride Wrestling. Dancing around the pole on the small round platform in the middle of the hot tub is a very attractive blond, who wears a very skimpy black bikini. All four individuals that are relaxing in the warm water, have drinks in their hands. Mick raises his glass in the air with a huge smile on his face.)

”Slick” Mick: Here's to life, we're living it the only way worth living it right now.

Hollywood: I'll agree with that.

Heather: Me too.

Karen: Same here.

(The other three raise their glasses and join Mick in the toast. Hollywood sinks further into the water, leaning his head back and closes his eyes. Mick has his arm around Karen as he smiles at her.)

”Slick” Mick: So how is Glory & Pride doing these days?

Karen: Pretty good, we just had another sold out show last week. Amanda is really impressed with how far along Heather has come these past few months.

Heather: Actually Karen and I have decided to team up and will hopefully be getting a shot at the tag belts next month.

”Slick” Mick: Very cool. You got a show this weekend or will you two be able to come to Hog Heaven: Southern Chill to see Hollywood defeat Phil and retain his Southern Heritage Championship?

Heather: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

(Heather turns and rubs Hollywood's chest while kissing him on the lips. Mick looks over at Karen.)

”Slick” Mick: How about you?

Karen: Sure, I'll come with you guys.

”Slick” Mick: Awesome.

(One of the waitresses named Ginger walks up the stairs to the elevated hot tub and greets the group with a smile.)

Ginger: How's everyone doing tonight?

Hollywood: We're doing great.

Ginger: I am suppose to tell you that two guys showed up here the other day.

”Slick” Mick: Yeah, I got a call about that. How ridiculous was it for Phil and his buddy Joe to try and get into the club.

Ginger: Who?

Hollywood: The Phil and his cameraman, slash friend or whoever that Joe guy is. Wish I could have seen them get bounced.

Ginger: Nobody got bounced out of the club recently.

(Hollywood and Mick look at each other with confused looks on their faces.)

Hollywood: Really? Huh that's weird.

”Slick” Mick: But somebody called me saying they had to keep them away because they were dressed up like Hollywood and myself.

Ginger: I've been working everyday for the past few weeks and didn't hear anything about that.

Hollywood: Interesting... then if it wasn't them, who are you talking about?

Ginger: A guy who said he was a wrestler too, name's Scotty Vega if I remember correctly. He came in with his agent, looking for you.

Hollywood: I don't know any Scotty Vega, how about you Mick?

”Slick” Mick: Nope, no clue.

Ginger: Well hopefully the next time they come in, you will be here to meet them.

Hollywood: Yeah, that would be awesome.

Heather: Be nice.

Hollywood: What? I don't need some “Hollywood wanna-be” stalking me at my own club.

Ginger: I don't think he's planning on stalking you, they just figured since you're both in the wrestling business, it'd be fun to just sit down and talk over a drink.

”Slick” Mick: We'll have to see what happens, but for now Hollywood needs to focus on Sunday night.

Ginger: Big match?

Heather: He's defending his Title against a the former two time Champion.

Ginger: Wow, good luck Champ.

(Hollywood smirks.)

Hollywood: I don't need luck, I've already got the match won.

Ginger: Good to hear. Anyone want any refills or anything else?

”Slick” Mick: Nope, I think we're good for now.

Hollywood: Thanks Ginger.

Ginger: No problem, you all enjoy the rest of your night.

(They wave bye as Ginger heads back down to the dance floor and over to where the bar is.)

Hollywood: So now I'm kind of confused, I thought Phil and Joe tried to get into this place the other day.

”Slick” Mick: I don't know man, but don't focus on pointless crap like that. You've got to beat Phil at Southern Chill and retain the Southern Heritage Title.

Hollywood: Trust me Mick, my Title isn't going anywhere. We all know what a joke Phil truly is, and come Sunday night I will prove he never deserved to hold that belt in the first place.

”Slick” Mick: I'm surprised we haven't heard anything out of him since you did your last promo. I figured he'd do his research and point out certain things about how he immediately knew we weren't actually in Antarctica or some crap like that.

Hollywood:Maybe he already realized he's lost this match and figured “what's the point”?

”Slick” Mick: I doubt that.

Hollywood: He's probably just trying to think up more pathetic bullshit to try and throw my way.

”Slick” Mick: Rub it in your face AGAIN that he got nominated for most shocking moment and you didn't.

Hollywood: Yet who got nominated and will win Wrestler of the year?

(They laugh over Phil's foolishness regarding the Hoggie Awards.)

Heather: Alright, enough wrestling talk for tonight... you can continue this conversation tomorrow.

Karen: I agree.

Hollywood: Ok, sounds good to me.

”Slick” Mick: Where'd Ginger go? I could use another drink.

Hollywood: I think we all could.

(Hollywood stands up and whistles down to Ginger to get her attention as the four friends enjoy the rest of their evening.)

(It's early Friday morning as Jeffrey Hollywood lays asleep in his king sized master bed. Sleeping next to him is his beautiful girlfriend, Heather Divine. The couple are as relaxed and as comfortable as two people can be sleeping in each other's arms. The California sun struggles to shine its way into the room through the dark blinds over the windows. The peaceful quietness is suddenly interrupted as the phone next to the bed begins to ring. The noise wakes Heather up first, who quickly pokes at Hollywood, attempting to wake him up also.)

Heather: Hey, answer the phone.

(Heather's soft pokes quickly turn to shoulder shoves as the loud ringing continues. Finally Hollywood grumbles half awake.)

Hollywood: Ignore it.

Heather: I can't, just answer it.

Hollywood: You answer it.

Heather: It's on your side of the bed, NOW ANSWER IT!

Hollywood: AAAHHHH FINE!!!

(Hollywood rolls over and slings his arm over the side of the bed, smacking the phone with his hand until finally his fingers land on the speaker button.)

Hollywood: WHAT?!

(The voice on the other end of the phone is that of “Slick” Mick Morrison.)

”Slick” Mick: It's me.

Hollywood: You better be dying!

”Slick” Mick: Have you seen Phil's latest promo yet?

(Hollywood slowly lifts his head off his pillow long enough to look over at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed.)

Hollywood: Dude, it's 10:30 in the morning... the only thing I've seen has been the back of my eye lids.

”Slick” Mick: I figured as much, luckily I recorded it on DVD.

Hollywood: Good for you, I'm going back to sleep.

”Slick” Mick: WAIT!

Hollywood: What now?!

”Slick” Mick: I'll bring it over in a half hour so you can see it.

Hollywood: Can't it wait until like I don't know... tonight?

”Slick” Mick: Well considering you're suppose to be meeting the camera crew over at the club around noon, I figured you'd want to see this before hand.

Hollywood: Who's bright idea was it to pick such an early time to do a promo?

”Slick” Mick: That's just how it ended up working out, I'll be there in thirty minutes. WAKE UP!

Hollywood: Yeah, yeah... yeah.

(Hollywood smacks at the phone again until it hangs up. He rolls back over and looks at Heather.)

Heather: I'll go make the coffee.

(Hollywood rolls back over and closes his eyes as Heather slides out of bed and heads downstairs.)


(Jeffrey Hollywood sits on a couch in his family room, with a glass of orange juice in his hand. “Slick” Mick Morrison just put a DVD into the player and sits down in a Lazy Boy recliner. Hollywood takes a sip of his drink as Mick hits the play button on the remote. The Phil's latest promo plays on the 64” television as Hollywood and Mick watch. Several times during the promo, Hollywood laughs to himself and shakes his head. Finally it comes to an end and the screen goes black as Mick turns off the TV and looks at Hollywood.)

”Slick” Mick: Can you believe it? The entire time was just an act, all done on a sound stage.

Hollywood: That explains why Ginger didn't know anything about the club thing last night.

”Slick” Mick: True, but what about the phone call I got that first informed me about that whole thing?

Hollywood: Good question, maybe one of the bar tenders or other staff members wasn't working at the time, saw the promo and assume it was real so they called you about it.

”Slick” Mick: Could be, but now Phil believes he's got you beat because he fooled all of us.

Hollywood: The only thing Phil has done is just shown another level of his patheticness.

”Slick” Mick: How are you going to defend the fact that we actually fell for all of it? Being kicked out of the club, being in Hollywood, all of it.

(Hollywood grins as he takes another sip from his glass.)

Hollywood: Don't worry about it, I'll handle it.

”Slick” Mick: He's got your number though, he already predicted you'd do one last promo at Hollywood Nites, and that's exactly where the RCW camera crew is set to meet us in like half an hour. Maybe I should call them up and arrange a different location to meet at.

Hollywood: Don't even think about it, I'm doing the promo at the club like we planned.

”Slick” Mick: So you're going to let Phil win?

Hollywood: How's he win Mick? I own the hottest nightclub in Hollywood, I spend a lot of time there, so why should it be any surprise I'd do a promo there? Wow, so Phil predicted the predictable... good for him. I'm not going to change who I am or how I do things just because he's as smart as a four year old and knows I frequently cut promos at my own club.

”Slick” Mick: Alright man, it's your call. We better get going then, we don't want the crew to get their before we do.

(Mick and Hollywood stand up as Heather walks into the room.)

Heather: Where are you guys off to?

”Slick” Mick: Jeff's got to go meet the camera crew at the club to cut a promo for Southern Chill.

Heather: Cool, can I come?

(Hollywood thinks about it for a moment and then grins.)

Hollywood: That's a great idea, just do me a favor real quick.

Heather: What's that?

Hollywood: Go grab our bathing suits.

”Slick” Mick: What for?

Hollywood: You'll see, trust me. Now go grab our suits babe.

Heather: You got it.

(Heather leaves the room as Mick looks at Hollywood, who grins.)

(It's Friday afternoon as the RCW cameras come into focus inside the “Hollywood Nites” nightclub. It's decently busy for being an afternoon, the DJ has the music playing as a rather large group of people groove to the beats on the dance floor. The cameras find the Southern Heritage Champion, Jeffrey Hollywood relaxing in one of the hot tubs that is elevated over the dance floor. He's not alone, his amazing beautiful girlfriend, Heather Divine sits next to him in the warm water. However, this afternoon there is no attractive woman dancing on the platform in the middle of the hot tub. The Champion relaxes as he grins at the camera, with his arm draped across Heather's shoulders.)

Hollywood: Well what do ya know, here I am at “Hollywood Nites” in front of the cameras... just like The Phil predicted. Man Phil, you get the gold star for being able to predict the obvious. It's like the on street magic trick, where there is a ball that is placed under a cup, with two other identical cups next to it. Even though the cups get mixed around, if you get three chances to “predict” which one the ball is under, sooner or later you'll be right. That's exactly what you did, in all three of your promos you predicted my next one would be from here, knowing full well I usually tend to do promos here. Congratulations Phil, you're so smart.

(Hollywood takes his arm from behind Heather and mockingly claps his hands. He puts his arm back around his girlfriend and grins at the camera.)

Hollywood: Like I've said before, I usually don't go out of my way to plan some elaborate, fancy, scripted promo for my matches. Instead I just live my life and when my obligations need to be met regarding having to do promos for upcoming matches, I just allow the RCW cameras to get glimpses of my life. Plain and simple, so it's only obvious that I would most likely cut a promo from my own nightclub. It's not like you predicted next week's multi-million dollar winning lottery numbers, you just repeatedly stated a pretty obvious fact. If doing promos here at Hollywood Nites makes me predictable, then so be it... doesn't bother me one bit.

Now I will give you some credit regarding that whole “everything has been an act, all my promos were done on sound stages”. Nice touch Phil, I'm sure nobody really saw it coming. I didn't, I'll admit that... but it's not because you were extremely clever by doing all those “staged promos”, it's more like people just didn't really care much about you to pay that close of attention. From people I have talked to, it's difficult to even sit through a promo of yours without getting bored with it. So you go through all that trouble, doing sets and trying to pull the wool over everyone's heads, and nobody gives a sh*t. Makes you feel like it was all worth it, doesn't it?

(Hollywood grins again.)

Hollywood: Now I know I did the similar thing in my last promo about that whole Antarctica thing, and as I figured... you claimed to have immediately known it wasn't real. You brought up about how I wasn't smart enough to do my research on what it truly would have been like in Antarctica this time of year, and the truth is... I didn't really care much because I knew the fans watching at home are nothing more than inbred hicks who argue the differences between dinner and supper. I could have recreated the moon landing and those morons would have believed it so why waste my time with the technical aspects of the stupidity of what I was doing? Anyone who actually believed I would waste my time in going all the way to Antarctica just to cut an “original” promo should be shot and taken out of society.

You and your buddy Joe talked about how I'm still just a foolish amateur, my so called “mistakes” from my last promo should just be over looked because I haven't been in this business for years upon years like so many others have been. Like I just stated, I wasn't trying to fool rocket scientists, I was fooling the obese idiots that call themselves RCW fans. Don't make the same mistake countless others have Phil, and honestly I didn't think you'd be that dumb. I may not have as many years in this business as guys like Doug Gavelon, Brett Johnson, Mikey, Ase, or even yourself... but look at the facts. I've defeated each and every one of them, I've used my “amateur” experience and ended the career of the legend himself, TooSexy. You may have several more years in this business than I do, but that doesn't change the fact that I am better than you. I proved I was better than all those other “greats” I previously mentioned, and come Sunday night Phil... I am going to out-shine, out-class, out-perform, out-wit, out-skill, and basically out-do you in every conceivable way.

Look at me Phil, do I look nervous? Do I look concerned about our match? Do I look the least bit worried about losing the Southern Heritage Championship to you? Of course not, because I have the utmost confidence in my ability to retain MY Title against you at Hog Heaven: Southern Chill. While you're playing the fool on some sound stages and busting your a** in the gym, I'm relaxing in this hot tub with my girlfriend. You criticized me for not doing my “research” concerning the Antarctica crap, yet you go and call Heather my wife. I would have figured a seasoned veteran like yourself would have done just a bit of homework concerning my life. Even the toothless hillbillies at the Boys & Girls Club know Heather isn't my wife, which means you are dumber than them... wow, now that is truly an accomplishment.

(Hollywood laughs as Heather smiles at the camera.)

Heather: I'll admit that I for one like the whole wife idea.

Hollywood: Great, thanks for that Phil.

(Heather winks at the camera and then kisses Hollywood.)

Hollywood: You really do just grasp at any possible straw you can in hopes of showing me up. First it was the whole “Hoggie Award” thing, and now it's some crazy idea that my entire life is nothing more than a lie, built on a sound stage. Now that's pathetic Phil, even for you. Trust me, if I was going to put on some “act” in front of the cameras, my house would be bigger, I'd have a chain of night clubs, I'd probably do that whole bit where a swimming pool is full of money and I just dive into it, and I'd be surrounded by all kinds of beautiful women.

(Heather smacks Hollywood in the shoulder.)

Heather: HEY!

Hollywood: Relax babe, I'm just making a point. My life is awesome, far better than most, but it's not fake. Unlike you Phil, I don't need to fake success. That whole display of promo after promo actually being done on sound stages just further clarifies what I've been saying about you and your career in RCW. All your promos were fake, yet they tried to portray to the fans that they were reality. Same can be said for your title reigns Phil, you continue to try to make yourself sound like an honorable Champion in the past, yet it was all a pathetic, act. You never deserved to be Champion, and you still don't... but I know, here I go repeating myself again huh?

I got a kick out of you trying to convince Joe and the fans that in this business, there's no such thing as winning. Once again you laid out some bullsh*t that really didn't make much sense, talking about what actually winning means and how in a one-on-one wrestling match, there can't be a winner. What was all that crap about Phil? You're way to be able to dispute that you're nothing but a loser when you fail to beat me Sunday night? If there are no winners in wrestler, than there can't be any losers either... right? Give me a f*cking break man, I'm so sick of hearing all that nonsensical bullsh*t you continue to throw out there in an attempt to make yourself sound “deep and philosophical”. Get over yourself Phil, come Southern Chill... there will be a winner, and there will be a loser. Just so you know, I have yet to know what it feels like to be the latter, and I doubt I'll experience it Sunday night.

(A more serious look comes over Hollywood's face as the camera zooms in.)

Hollywood: You're right about something though, a few weeks back I was preparing to face Drifter because that's just the direction things appeared to be moving. However, when the announcement was made that you were going to be in the Battle Royal, I immediately knew I'd be defending my belt against you and not Drifter. Trust me Phil, I'm more than prepared to beat you this Sunday. Sure, you will pose a slightly more difficult challenge than Drifter would have, but I'm always up for a new challenge. I've beaten the best RCW has thrown at me thus far, and now I am looking forward to continuing my undefeated streak as you follow in the footsteps of all those who came before you.

That's the thing Phil, you claimed that you're not like anyone I have ever faced and yes, to a certain extent you are right. Your style behind the camera is a lot different from previous opponents, but you will be just like all of them in the fact that you will try your hardest, you will do everything you can, but yet still come up short. I said it before and I am saying it again because it's the God's honest truth... despite your best efforts this Sunday Phil, you won't be able to take MY Championship from me!

(The cocky yet confident grin returns to Hollywood's face.)

Hollywood: I'd like to point out another flaw in your promo, you talked about how several guys in RCW use sound stages for promos because AJ can't afford to do this or that. You mentioned you doing house shows and I've got to ask, what company are you doing house shows for? I only ask this because Razorback Championship Wrestling doesn't do house shows, never have Phil. I've personally sat down with AJ and discussed RCW starting to run house shows but he just isn't interested in doing any. Opps, did I slip up by mentioning that mistake of yours? My bad.

(Hollywood laughs as he shakes his head over Phil's bogus claims.)

Hollywood: In all honesty Phil, we could keep going back and forth between us but what's the point? I'll keep saying how much better I am and how there's no way in hell I'm losing my title to you, and you're going to continue talking about how I'm “butt-hurt” over the Most Shocking Moment Hoggie Award and how I am just so darn predictable. Where does all this war of words really get us Phil? Sure it's what AJ and the company wants because basically this back and forth banter we do is all to hype our match, that's it. We point out each other's flaws and try to make ourselves look better simply to get butts in seats. That pretty much is the whole deal, we sit in front of these cameras and talk trash simply to get fans more interested in our match, hoping they will fork over their month's pay check just to be able to come to Hog Heaven: Southern Chill and find out who will leave with the title.

Hog Heaven: Southern Chill is Sunday night, you want to make history by becoming a three time Champion at my expense. I want to make history by shattering your previous fluke of a title reign by becoming the longest reigning Southern Heritage Champion this company has ever known, or will ever know. You believe you're a threat to me and my Championship, at Southern Chill I am going to prove to you that you couldn't be more wrong. My Title isn't going anywhere, you just don't have what it takes to beat me and become Champion again.

This time around Phil, there's not going to be any flukes, or any acts of luck... if you want to be Champion, you've got to earn it. We both know, along with everybody else... you can't do it. You were nothing more than a pathetic loser who got lucky in the past, after Sunday night, you're going to be a pathetic loser who's luck ran out.

Disagree with that fact? Then prove me wrong on Sunday Phil, do what nobody else has been able to do. Give this match everything you've got, so that when you fail, and trust me, you will... there'll be no excuses. My legacy continues at Hog Heaven: Southern Chill, and there's nothing you can do about it. Best start accepting that now, so it won't be that big of a shock to you come Sunday.

(Confidence and determination fill Hollywood's eyes as he stares directly into the camera.)

I'll be honest, I've grown bored with all of this Phil. Most of the time I really enjoy sitting here and ripping my opponents a new one verbally, but with you it's different. You said it yourself that you are different than anyone else and you're completely right. Most of them at least were able to keep a slight bit of my interest, but you just bore the crap out of me. I'm done Phil, I've said all I have to say about this match... I'm tired of repeating myself in hopes of you finally accepting the truth. I'll see you Sunday night, and remember... no excuses.

(Hollywood grins one last time before the camera fades to black.)

-{Roll The Credits}-