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Jeffrey "HollyWood"'s Bio

Wrestler's Name: Jeffrey "HollyWood"

Real Name: Jeffrey Davis

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 228 lbs.

Hometown: Hollywood, CA

Age: 29

Physical Appearance: Long blondish hair, sideburns, always smiling. Well built and muscular toned. Like to dress fancy, either in suits or big fur coats and sunglasses, with gold chains around his neck. In ring outfit is usually blue jeans and black elbow pads, or dark blue pants with the "HollyWood" letters on it.

Gimmick: Movie star turned pro-wrestler. He prides himself on his fans and wants to prove to them and himself he can make it in the wrestling business.

Wrestler's History: Jeffrey has been doing movies since his teens, and now he has decided to take on a new venture, the pro wrestling world. He decided to join WPW in hopes of making a name for himself inside the squared circle, instead of being on the big screen.

Finisher: "Roll The Credits" (Unprettier)

Signature Move(s):
"That's a Wrap" (Swanton off the top)
Missle drop kick
body slams
cross body off top
other technical and high flying moves

Quote: "Roll the credits because that's a wrap!"

Theme Song: "Hollywood" by: P.O.D

Picture Base: Johnny Nitro (from MNM)

Ring Entrance:
\ "Hollywood" by P.O.D blares as the lights dim and a blue glow fills the arena. A few people with cameras walk backwards down the ramp. They stop midway down as pryos rain down from above the entranceway. Through the pyros walks Jeffrey "HollyWood" with his girlfriend, Divine. They stop and pose for the cameras as they flash away. After a few moments they continue to walk towards the ring, slapping fans hands as they go by. Jeffrey hops on the ring apron as Divine cheers him on. He slides his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and smiles at the cheering fans. He steps into the ring and goes to the corner where he stands on the middle rope and throws his sunglasses out into the crowd. He takes off his big fur coat and hands it to Divine at ringside as he waits for the match to begin./

\The END/