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In the beginning

Things to live by:


A Grain of Sand
©By Gwendolyn Bonham

In my hand is a grain of sand,

so very small.

In my hand is a grain of sand,

until the wind blows.

SWOOSH! And away it goes.

Where it goes,

I'll never know.

But, in my hand was a grain of sand,

as old as the days.

All the time it has seen,

as the days go by.

All the places it has been,

as the breeze flows by.

Circling the globe threefold or more,

I'll never know where it will sore!


In the beginning, we are all the same. We come from the same start, a male and female. So why are we differnt in the end? The way we are raised, different influences in our lives, and schooling do change us; but, we don't have use these things as excuses. We are who we are and nothing can change that. Yes, we hide behind things, but that is only because we need someone (or something) to blame! For most of us, we can't take the responsiblities for our actions. So, we blame the inicent and keep the truth hidden behind locked doors. But, that is how the worls turns, RIGHT??

Please visit my next site for stories, poems, and other interesting stuff.

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Away to a story...

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****************************************************** In the beginning. Stories and poems. This is how I see things.

Some places I like

Woodland Celtic Wicca