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View as you enter the main display area

In the middle of the main area is a "Buddy Holly Timeline" which lists significant dates in Buddy's life & career

View from the other end features the evolution style "Music Timeline"

Inside the round display case is Buddy's Gibson acoustic as seen in the popular Dick Cole photo

The first display case features items from Buddy's childhood:
A leather working kit; hand tooled belt, pouch, guitar strap, an end table, and cub scout uniform

Report cards, crayons, marble collection, drawings, a hand-made slingshot & his Speak & Write Correctly work book

Buddy's Gibson Les Paul & amp, leisure suit, music contracts, and KDAV radio console circa 1955

Close up of Buddy's Gibson Les Paul electric guitar

Decca letters, records, Cedarwood publishing contract, Buddy's glasses
and contact lenses/cases (which he found too uncomfortable to wear)

Buddy's notes for the "That'll Be The Day/Looking For Someone To Love" recording session.
Left:"Drunk man, street car..." Larry Holley suggested Buddy use this line in the song, a saying their Mother used around the house.
Right: Notes how Buddy wanted The Tolletts backup vocals on the "That'll Be The Day"

Travel Items, various photos, Buddy's hat from the motorcycle photo, Alan Freed Tour Itinerary & road schedules

JI Allison's stage suit which he also wore on the "Chirpin' Crickets" LP cover
Buddy's record player, restored vintage 195 drum set, bass guitar used by Joe B. Mauldin

Pair of Buddy's shoes, Maria Elena's wedding headpiece, St. Christopher's medal

Buddy's stage jacket which he also wore on the "Chirpin' Crickets" LP cover

Display case featuring Buddy's famous glasses,
note the extensive scratches result of the plane crash, supposedly there is also dried blood on them

Buddy's famous & recently restored Fender Stratocaster,
+++ a pick they discovered under the pickguard!

A peek inside the exclusive "Crickets" showroom featuring items from their Buddy-days to the present!

Had to show this neat shot of a young JI and his first drum!

Both rooms feature many more great items, I'm just previewing some of the highlights...
of course the best way to see it ALL is to visit the Center for yourself!

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