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My name is Gracie, I'm the cute little Boston Terrier standing on the crate. See me??? Not bad lookin' huh? My mom thinks I'm the best! She even has all those silly goo-goo names she calls me like "Wiggle-butt" and "Porkchop" but my favorite is...Baby. I sure try my best to live up to that name and she falls for it everytime.

I was born at a kennel for show dogs, they claim I'm not one. Well just look at me. Why not? My mom was the groomer at the kennel so I just batted my eyes at her a couple times and cha-ching home with her I went. But she forgot to mention one little thing there would be three big fuzzy creatures meeting me at the front door! I never knew dogs could grow soooooooooo big! They were all over me, sniffing, barking, trying to pull rank. Well one bite of the ol' ankle cut them down to size.

My Mom told me that I could stay with her until it was time to go have babies. I didn't understand what she was talking about day she brought me back to the kennel and left me there. Soon I got real fat and went to the doctors all the time. Boy, I sure miss sleeping with mom under her blankets. One day my belly started to really hurt and my kennel mom and my real mom brought me to the doctors. The next thing I knew I woke up to everyone staring at me and three of the smallest dogs I have ever seen. I didn't care who the little pip-squeaks were I just wanted Mom to take me home. They insisted that those small little things were mine and i must care for them. So back to the kennel I went with these funny looking, no haired, little black and white things. They didn't even open their eyes to see where they were going. I on the other hand don't want to miss a thing.

So I took care of them like mom said because then I could go home with her again. Soon mom came to the kennel and took me back to the place that I love more than anything... HOME! Mom told me that my babies weren't show dogs either so I won't ever have to leave her again. Then the bad news came I had to go back to the doctors again...she said one last time. Something about never having anymore babies to care for...OH BOY this time when mom got me home I sure didn't feel good I was so cold, then all went black. When I awoke I saw my doctor but I was in her home this time. I was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and stuff. Then I saw the familar smile of my Mom and tears in her eyes. She should have known that I would NEVER leave her!

Soon mom took me home and all she said was ..."Now you are all mine...BABY!"

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