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NiC's LaTeSt NeWs (EngLiSh)

Nic's Latest News

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Nic Sings For ICRT (11 Oct 99)

ICRT (Taiwan Radio Station) celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, and is becoming more Taiwan-based. Other than a huge makeover, and using more ABC (American-born Chinese) DJs, they also invited Nicholas to sing an all-new Mandarin radio song. The 30-second song was first broadcast today at exactly 2 pm.
There are 4 versions of the new radio song and Nic composed them all. The new radio song is a result of Nic's 3 days of hard work in the studio. He used only a guitar, and composed both the lyrics and the tune. During the actual recording, he not only sang, but also played his guitar and arranged the music.
Nic has said that it was quite difficult to compose, as the rdaio song could only be a short 30 seconds, but nevertheless, he did it.
To show ICRT's appreciation to Nic, the manager, Ge Weilin, gave Nic an extra "special" gift. It was a kind of iguana called "Song Shi". Why did he think of such a gift? The manager explained that though Nic was a relative newcomer to the entertainment scene, yet leapt from the 30th rank to 2nd in the ICRT charts. Giving Nic a "Song Shi" represented their wish that Nic's career could be like a "Shi" (Lion, the King Of The Animals), that he would improve by leaps and bounds.
During the press conference, Nic was constantly playing with the four-legged lizard, as it is one of his favourite pets, and placed it on his shoulder. He explained that at the beginning, it was cold, and as it is a tropical animal, he brought it out to the light, hoping it would become warmer.
Also, as Nic will be going back to Hongkong during a two day break in the promotion schedule, he says that he has promised himself to cut down on his weight. After living in Taiwan for more than 2 weeks, he has put on 7 kg, he complains. It must be because of the delicious Taiwan delicacies. He joked, "They say I have to bring back the fat and oil from Taiwan and leave it in Hongkong, before I can return... Some say I look like I'm a few months pregnant, and I have to go back to Hongkong to give birth." Reporters at the press conference said that there was indeed a layer of fat when he lifted up his shirt to show them.
For the 20th anniversary concert, ICRT have invited guests such as Coco Lee, Nic Tse, Sylvia Chang, 98 Degrees and other Asian and foreign singers to help in the celebrations.

Nic's Performance A "Raining" Success! (10 Oct 99)

Rain did not dampen the spirits of the fans, instead, the atmosphere at his performance grew hotter and hotter. Nic was sick, yet stayed in the rain, saying, "The fans don't leave, I don't leave!"
Because of Tao Zi's "flying germs", Nic had a slight flu, with headaches, dizziness and a blocked nose. Yet for his opening performance, Nic was still as alive as ever, showing his Young Heavenly King charm, and his fans crowded the whole Ximen area.
Just before the start of the performance, it started drizzling, and the "sickly" Nic forgot that he could not get wet, only concerned about his fans, and asking, "What are they to do?" The performance started, the rain continued, and Nic said to the crowd, "The fans don't leave, I don't leave!" The excited fans responded with piercing sreams of support.
For his new album, "Grateful For Your Love 1999" performance, there was a competition called "Draw Me, Nic Tse". Five female friends used all their creativity drawing Nic, who was on stage singing his heart out. The crowd and Nic voted for the best picture, and Chen Daishi from Xindian High School won. The lucky girl got Nic's signature on her drawing as a prize.

Nic's Taiwan Autograph Session (9 Oct 99)

In yesterday's E-News, they showed Nic's autograph session at a bookstore in Taiwan, and he's also featuring on the cover page of "Color". Although the session was held at noon, some students still skipped class and turned up. Nic does not encourage this... in his own words, "At least it is held in a bookstore, so you can all go home and tell your mum you went to a bookstore."
That day, there was also the effects of the typhoon, making weather conditions very terrible, and Nic was worried that no one would turn up. However, some people still showed up for the session, making Nic very touched.
A problem has been bugging Nic since a long time ago - the problem of his name being too difficult to write. He says that during his school days, whenever he got punished and had to copy his name. He used to take the whole day. Referring to his signature, he comments, "If you look at my signature, the only visible word is 'xie' (his surname), I don't know what the rest of it(the signature) is."
Nic had a blocked nose at the time of the session, and says he hopes it is not the flu. "If it is, it must be Tao Zi.", he grins, then looks around, making sure Tao Zi is not anywhere near.
With regards to tomorrow's session, asked is he was worried no one would come, he grinned and said, "I'm not afraid of that, I'm just afraid that if I don't learn to sign with my left hand, I won't be able to cope!"

Nic's New Movie (8 Oct 99)

A scene from "Metade Fumaca"

Director (right) and Yi Zixiong, actor

In a review of the newest movies by Singapore magazine "i Weekly", they mentioned Nic's newest film, "Metade Fumaca", which will be released in in Singapore during January 2000.
The young director, Ye Jinghong, is a small nobody in the circle of famous directors and big stars. Even though he has only directed the love story, "Love Is Not A Game But A Joke", his stint as a scriptwriter in the award-winning film "Ruan Lingyu", makes people look forward to this next film.
The preview of this film is very exciting, making those in the showbusiness comment that the film's character and atmosphere reminds people of "Pulp Fiction". The overture bringing images of scenery in foreign countries, the dark and broken-down Kowloon City and Brazil's beautiful scenery.
A chance meeting between an ill ex-triad boss and a young gangster, charts a story of two people's marked turn in life.
The pairing of experienced actor Eric Tsang and young Nicholas Tse, as well as the star-studded cast of Shu Qi, Kelly Chan, Huang Qiusheng, Wu Junru, Zhang Daming, Stephen Fung, Sam Lee... ... and the different characters, opens up the imagination of audiences.

Nic "Blames" Tao Zi (7 Oct 99)

Following Nic's interview on Entertainment News on 6 Oct 99, Nic had a headache that day. Nic says that after the short 5-minute interview, he had a headache and now has to drink this "horrible-looking, horrible tasting herbal tea".
Tao Zi has been coughing recently, and Nic says that he does not blame her, and wishes her a speedy recovery, as well as hoping that he himself gets well soon. Tao Zi rebutted him saying that he probably got sick because of the shirt with the "plunging neckline" he was wearing.

Nic Will Not Call Gigi "Godmother" (7 Oct 99)

Nic maintains that he is good friends with all the female stars he has been linked with. However, when asked about "Godfather" Ekin Cheng's latest relationship, Nic only states, "I have no comments about Ekin."
Rumours after rumours have been generated about Nic with at least 15 female stars, including Sammi Cheng, Gigi Leung, Bondy Chiu and Candy Lo. But, Nic dismisses all these rumours, saying, "They are all good friends." However, he is especially apologetic towards Qiaoyin, as they did not really talk on the film set of his latest movie, and newspaper headlines screamed, "Nic shows no interest in Qiaoyin", which Nic felt was very hurtful towards her.
The latest news is that Ekin is going out with Gigi. When reporters ventured to ask Nic about the latest developments in their relationship, Nic, who is not good at lying, looked around and hesitated, before saying, "I have faith in Ekin's decision." He immediately took back his words, saying, "I have no comments." When asked if Nic would call Gigi "Godmother" (Gan-ma), mischievous Nic replied, "I'll only ask her Gan'ma (What are you doing?), and will not call her 'Godmother'." Nic also denies ever saying that Gigi made the first move.
Thrust into the limelight ever since he was born, Nic says his parents do not mind him being an artiste, but if his sister wants to join showbiz, "I will not support her decision, as she has to compete with the fame of not only Mum and Dad, but also me, there is too much pressure."

Nic Starts Low-scale Promotions (7 Oct 99)

Because of the recent Taiwan disaster, many artistes have delayed promotional activities. Nic also waited till yesterday to start promotions in Taiwan. His album had been released in Taiwan more than two weeks ago.
He only met with the newspaper and magazine reporters yesterday, as he was afraid that when broadcasting of his promotions through the media would lead to misunderstanding about his lack of concern for the Taiwan earthquake victims.
One of Hongkong's 4 Young Heavenly Kings, it was destined since young that he should be part of the entertainment circle. Other than the fact that his parents were famous stars, the first time he appeared on a magazine cover was when he was born. Thus, when he returned from Canada at the age of 15, many agents and media thought highly of him, and guided him onto the road which his parents took, shooting him to stardom after several movies and albums.
However, one has to pay the price of fame. Through his participation in various films, Nic has hurt his back, leg and had various other health problems, causing him to depend on herbs and qigong for maintenance of health. As he is only 19 years of age, one of the youngest in the entertainment circle, Nic has been linked with many female artistes older than him, such as Sammi Cheng, Bondy Chiu and Gigi Leung, leading people to misunderstand that he does not work hard.
On his job, Nic feels that he has surpassed his father. He feels that the love dramas his father was often involved in , are boring. However, two years after their divorce, his parents still appear in public together, if only for the sake of their children.
On relationships? Nic insists that he is good friends with every female friend, and is only concentrating on his career.
His latest album has mainly slow rock songs, which describes the atmosphere in Taiwan now. Later this month, Nic is flying to Japan for the movie festival, so he will be holding an autograph session in Taiwan on 8 Oct 99, to promote his newest album.

Nic on E-News (6 Oct 99)

Nic appeared briefly on Taiwan's E-News today, promoting his new album in Taiwan. He was be holding a series of promotions in Taiwan over the course of this month.
When praised for his quick mastering of Mandarin, he said that he learnt it from speaking with his friends. Matilda Tao, the host, asked him is he had learnt in from his girlfriends, Nic only laughed. Then, Tao Zi asked how he could have picked it up from friends, as good friends, Stephen Fung and Kelly Chan, do not speak Mandarin well.
Tao Zi and Nic chatted about his experiences in Japan, of sleeping by the roadside and how he could make many friends that way, Tao Zi said that he had a very cool and melancholy image, and asked why his songs were filled with sadness. Nic replied, saying that he just picked up his guitar and played songs in the minor keys, and he didn't like songs in major keys, the sunshine songs.
Later, when asked on what comic character he would like to dress up as, Nic replied, "Superman!" Why? Because he gets to wear his underwear on the outside! And later, Nic further said that Batman was better, as he wore his underwear on his head, Tao Zi said Nic was weird. Nic later took off the necklace from around his neck, and gave it to Tao Zi, eliciting laughter from those in the studio. Because of her headwear, she could not put it on unless he untied it, which he did accordingly. Later, he helped her to tie the necklace on, and Tao Zi nearly swooned, saying Nic reminded her of those guys who ride around on motorcycles. When the necklace was put around her neck, she jokingly said, "I should give you my phone number." Nic grinned widely. The necklace has limited stock and is part of his promotions. It says on the pendant, "NicholasTse1999".

Future Robin Hood? (5 Oct 99)

On 4 Oct 99, Nic took part in archery on the Taiwan show "HAPPY SUNDAY". He had a lot of fun learning archery and showed his mad side =P. Although it was Nic's first experience of archery, he was so good, he hit the bull's eye every time. Using the Olympic bow, he shot the bull's eye, and the coach praised him, saying, "He's got a lot of talent." Nic was in a rare state of excitement, jumping up and down, exclaiming, "I've been poisoned, I love archery!"
To learn more from the coach, Nic purposely tried to keep close to the coach. Tihs programme will be broadcast on 17 Oct 99.
Nic loves sports, knowing how to ski, surf and play tennis among other sports. A bit embarassed, he commented, "When I was younger, my sports achievements were above average." Yesterday, within two hours, Nic learnt 4 types of archery. He was extremely accurate, managing to hit the apple, candle and balloon. The production team, which had originally worried that it would be too difficult a task, watched his "no wrong moves" performance, and unbelievingly asked, "He really has never learnt archery?" Even the host took him as an idol.
Nic feels that all sports have the same starting point. His sporting achievements have always been outstanding. Between the ages of 12 and 14, Nic was so good in tennis, he represented Vancouver in national competitions. However, there will always be someone better, Nic admires his younger sister, as she even represented Canada in international competitions. Nic felt sorry for his sister, as she did not develop further in her tennis career, because she was afraid that her right hand would be rougher than her left.
Although he has matured earlier than others, when he is having fun, 19-year-old Nic is still filled with a childlike innocence. When his arrow went through the apple, he ran to the reporter excitedly saying, "Look, the arrow I shot even lost its "tail" feathers!" Nursing his tired hand, Nic sits down at the nearby staircase, not even caring if his promotion clothes get stained. Even during breaks, he would run to the side of the coach, trying to learn more.

Nic's Album Affected (28 Sept 99)

Following Taiwan's 921 earthquake, Nic is now in Taiwan doing various fund-raising activities. Also as a result of the earthquake, Nic's Mandarin album, originally slated for release last week, will be delayed.
Not only is Nic's album affected, so is the album of his good friend, Stephen Fung from <>. Both of them released their albums at about the same time, and were rumoured to be competing. However, Nic denies these rumours, saying "We are good friends, why would we compete?"
His other good friend, Eason Chan, also released his album recently. During an interview with 93.3fm, he was asked if he felt any stress. Nic expressed, "No, definitely not. Actually, I'm quite happy, because I'm a stranger in Taiwan, so to be able to release albums together and do promotions together, I'm happier."
As to the delayed release of the album, both Nic and Stephen said that now the fund-raising events are more important than anything else. Stephen Fung said, "This earthquake has affected me, but compared to the suffering of the Taiwan people, it is nothing. I have been concentrating on the fund-raising events, and never thought of my album throughout this past week!"

Nic Gains Popularity In Japan (24 Sept 99)

Following his role as Jack in "Gen-X Cops", Nic has received praises for his acting from Japanese magazines and critics. He has repeatedly been featured in all the Jap magazines, and is fast gaining popularity among the Jap fans, especially the girls.
Gen-X Cops will be shown at the Tokyo Science Fiction Film Festival next month (29 Oct 99). Critics have lauded Nic as Jackie Chan the Second, although he is of the tender age of 19. They have praised Nic for being so sporting, as to perform almost all the stunts by his ownself. Even if he bruised himself, he still continued filming.
When a Japanese magazine featured Asian stars, they were full of praise for Nic. Although it is still as yet unclear whether Nic will be going to promote his film in Japan, but many female magazines have approached the company requesting for Nic's presence. If Nic actually goes, it will definitely be a big event.
When interviewed, Nic has this to say, "I'm really very honoured, but Big Brother Jackie is much better than me, but I'm very happy to hear this news, because I have always been interested in the Japan market, so I would like to thank The Japanese fans for supporting me."
When asked whether he would also do action movies just like Jackie Chan, Nic said, "I'll just adapt to the circumstances!"

Nic kicks Bondy on Hongkong Gameshow! (23 Sept 99)

Last night on "Jiang Men Ren" (a HK variety show), rumoured couple Nicholas Tse and Bondy Chiu were in the same group. While playing a certain game, Bondy was lying down, and Nic had to climb on top of her and his knees were pressing on Bondy's waist!
In another game, Bondy claimed that since she did not have a husband, she couldn't answer the question, and Eric Tsang posed as her boyfriend. At that moment, Nic kicked Bondy, seeming to hint at something. Later, Xue-er explained that Nic had kicked her to tell her not to hold up the time, and asked people not to be too sensitive.

Nic's Interview in Friday Weekly (Singapore, 24 Sept 99)
Nic: Hongkong has NO music industry... If I've offended anyone, I can only say "Sorry"

Hongkong "has no musicians". Nicholas Tse says: "There's no music industry in Hongkong..."
To back up his shocking statement, the fast-rising Hongkong idol adds, "Hongkong has lots of singers who can sing really well, but there's no music industry, no musicians. What it has is what you call artistes. Look at other countries. musicians don't appear on game shows. But in Hongkong, there isn't a single singer who will refuse to go on TVB's popular game show "Jiang Men Ren"."
Nicholas Tse admits that he appears on these as well, and sometimes quite happily, bacause he takes a playful attitude towards them. Still, he is fed up with the way some of these programmes treat their guests like circus acts. For more, click here

Nic Helps Earthquake Victims (24 Sept 99)

Nic has decided to donate HK$500,000 together with his company in aid of the Taiwan earthquake victims. He was supposed to go to Taiwan on Sunday(20 Sept 99) for a charity event, but could not go because of his health. So, tomorrow (25 Sept 99), Nic will be going to Taiwan to help out in fund-raising activities, together with artistes such as Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Faye Wong and many others... Wish them good luck!

Nic's Album Is Out In Singapore! (23 Sept 99)

01. Grateful For Your Love 1999
02. Live For You Another Day
03. Old Scar
04. Dance Is Not For Me
05. How Can I Forget
06. Hold Back Love
07. If The One You First Loved Was Me
08. Dream Immediately Achieve
09. Once Love Stops
10. Night Of Intoxication
11. Fearless
12. Difficult to Love

News Update! (22 Sept 99)
Nic's company will be calling back all his MTVs for his latest song, Grateful For Your Love 1999, because it contains scenes from an earthquake. There is one scene where there's a doll lying amidst collapsed buildings and rubble. This is a rather sensitive topic now, seeing the state of things in Taiwan. I think the company has made a wise decision. I suppose Nic will have to retake the MTV.

Exhausted, Nic Faints! (21 Sept 99)

Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, Nic fainted on the film set of "Shun Liu Ni Liu". Having been filming his latest action flick from 12 noon the previous day till 3 am yesterday morning, Nic finally fainted out of pure exhaustion. The doctor's report states that he fainted from lack of oxygen in the brain.
Nic has been jetting between Taiwan and Hongkong for the past few days for various promotion activities. He also guest-starred at the recent Andy Lau concert in Hongkong. He was originally supposed to leave for Taiwan on the 7 am flight yesterday, but because of this incident, he will be resting at home for the next two days. As for his activities, he will be arranging things with his company. *Taiwan experienced an earthquake (7.6 on the Richter scale) on Tiesday morning (1.47 am) that resulted in utter destruction in the Taizhong and Nantou areas*
His latest action flick stars him as a bodyguard. Hence, it involves a lot of action scenes, and Nic has several bruises on his body. Known as one who never says "I want to rest", he has worked relentlessly the past few months. Yesterday, he was finally unable to take it and fainted on a chair, after which he was sent to a nearby clinic. Even after the Andy Lau concert, he needed a massage from his assistants before he was able to fall asleep. Nic has also been having many sleepless nights.
I and many fans wish Nic better health and would like him to rest more. Please take care of your health, Nic, don't tire yourself out!

NiC's NeWeSt AlBuM -- HiS DeBuT MaNdArIn AlBuM (18 Sept 99)
It will be released on 20 Sept 99 (i think!). As far as I know, the title song is "Grateful For Your Love 1999". It is a rock song, with electric guitar in the background and drums. Nic's mandarin is quite good... i mean, his mandarin is much better than some cantonese singers, because I can tell what he is saying. And it's a great song, the DJ says it is quite a good song
The title of the new album is "Grateful For Your Love 1999" and other songs in the album are "To Live For You Another Day", "How To Forget"...

Watch Out For It on 20 September 1999!