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Lynns Sidekick

My Home Page

Under construction
Everybody's makeing one--
-their interests--- --hobbies --family ---
    Mine------under construction -----
             Finishing date---?? ----still living it-- and working on it--
    One page---Please all --Offend none
--             So --in lack of fancy words and flowery language --I'll continue---
    Meet Morie---my invisable side kick--
           He gets the blame for things that go wrong---
Words that don't come out right--
            Likeable---Likes everyone--no known enemys----
    Maybe crude--never rude----
            He may have adopted some of my traits---The better ones I hope ---
    Avoids the spotlight--- would rather be one of the boys in the back room ----
          Gives detailed answers to simple questions----dont ask what time it is ---he may start telling you how to build a watch --
             SAYINGS ETC
       Enjoy life--a day at a time---
       Good friends are priceless----
       Hug 'em while you'v got 'em---
            Bitter words can never be undone --Sweet words are forever----
  Hey---I need one of them in my business---     Pray for a good harvest----but keep on hoeing----
    This is the day ----- ----- --Psa 118-24
    He feels favored and honored to be blessed with a long and healthy life ----
             Who would write a preface for a one liner??----no one but Morie---
       Poorest color cordinator---
            Leads a sheltered life--shy---but speaks up when the occasion arrises---
            Loves Mary deeply ---she's the greatest---
       His 2:00 pm to 3:00pm meditation period has been wrongly diagnosed as napping---heaven forbid---
          Should have had him in my working days----would have fit in nicely with the foundry boys -----
            Likes music--all kinds--HOLD the rap---
       Dislikes Arizona after April 1 --- hot
.            I might just adopt Morie someday----have already borrowed his name for e mail and web----- Next page