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The whole F'n show, Mr.Pay-Per-View, Mr. Monday Night, RVD, Rob Van Dam is in my opinion the best wrestler in ECW history from his cruiserweight-like speed and maneuvering to being former World Tag Team champion with Sabu and ECW Television Champion. Now with WCW merging with ECW to take out the WWF, RVD has become the hardcore champion and if given a shot could be both the WCW Champion and the WWF Champion. With such destructive moves as the Van Daminator, Van Terminator and the 5 Star Frog Splash how can anyone doubt he can beat anyone in not only ECW/WCW but the WWF as well. I have seen him wrestle in person and have even slapped his hand on his way to the ring and I think RVD is the best and anyone who says differently can come to my house so I can beat some sense into you.

RVD Picture Page
RVD Bio Page
Links (This isn't all RVD sites but they are all wrestling sites)
How to put my banner on your page (Make sure to read ALL directions)
Email me

I will have more things as soon as I can get the info. I am always looking for more RVD things to add but for now please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think of the page and anything you can think of to help make the page better feel free to tell me.

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