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The Ramblings On of Sarah

I have a friend. Her name is Sarah. She has...well her own "theories" so to speak on the world. I happened to find them amusing. She suggested making a special page on our website for her thoughts, questions, queries, etc. I liked the idea. And so this page was created, and we looked at it and saw that it was good. There was much rejoicing.

Current Sarah-isms

"Remember... be careful the toes you step on today; they might be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow."

"Always remember you are unique. Just like everyone else."

"Flying is simple. You just throw yourself at the ground and miss."

"When people say 'I'm gonna kick your ass', they never actually kick your ass. They punch you in the face."

"Never argue with an idiot. He'll bring you down to his level and then beat you with experience."

Sadly, this page has become endangered as Sarah has yet to send me more shnykin emails filled with her current assumptions, presumptions, and things that annoy her. I shall have to have a talk with my "dear friend" now, shan't I?