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Mistress Zadas ko-larring of aria{KI}

Mon Jun 14 7:21:36 1999 Mistress Zada: looking to the slave pen doors......waiting for aria to come.... Let The Ko'larring

Mon Jun 14 7:22:03 1999 Menelvagor: Paying attention to the beginning Ceremony....

Mon Jun 14 7:22:50 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG:

turning her gaze toward the slave pen door....watching for her brother...then noticing the huge woven cloth covering something tall that stands near the firepit......

Mon Jun 14 7:23:27 1999 aria{KI}: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …at hearing his Mistress' command, the kajiru enters the Great Room

Greetings Mistress Zada Greetings Master Menelvagor and Master Zeraphim greetings sister ra'naa and sha'roze ....he walks hastily to the covered item by the fire pit, his gold skin shimmering as he approaches the flames..
...his anxiety evident on his flushed face, he smiles softly to A/all present, his smile lingering lovingly on his Mistress for a few ihn, before turning to the large covering beside him... ...with one breath, a steady hand reaches for the top of the large bag, uncovering the statue with one decisive movement... ...his eyes fall to the floor as he walks towards Her, in a few fluent strides... ...his heart thundering in his chest in anticipation for Her reaction to two weeks of hard, feverish work... opposed to the kajira dance, this being his way of demonstrating his love for Her and forever devotion...
...he falls into a graceful kneel before Her, thigh and calve muscles defined perfectly as his thighs are kept apart, stomach muscles showing their outline as his chest is thrust forward with a breath… …his back kept proudly straight as his head rises slowly to its proud position… …his eyes fall to the floor, in the deepest love and outmost submission…


Mon Jun 14 7:23:42 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG:

whispering....sha....patting the fur beside her....sit with ra'.....

Mon Jun 14 7:24:26 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG:

smiling at the wonderfully carved statue....then to her brother.....

Mon Jun 14 7:25:12 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||hearing that the Ceremony is about to begin.. a girl smiles softly and whispers to the Master...|| May a girl be excused to watch the Ceremony Master Zeraphim?

Mon Jun 14 7:25:32 1999 Menelvagor: greetings, aria....Very Impressed with the statue!!!!

Mon Jun 14 7:29:36 1999 Mistress Zada: smiling as I see aria enter.....
greetings, aria....soft smile....
dark eyes follow his movments.....
a gasp of pleased surprize excapts My lips.....
accepting the lovely statue aria has so wonderfully made for Me.....looking a wonder at it's lovely workmanship....
aria, this is the most wonderful gift you could have ever given have pleased Me.....I love you My sweet one.... leaning forward and kissing his cheek.....smiling

Mon Jun 14 7:30:18 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||blonde hair falls forward, masking her eyes for the moment that her head is inclined to Him. smiling softly, she whispers her thanks to Him.. as quietly as slave bells allow sha' crawls back from the Master's furs and rises, feeling the softness of the silks as they conform to each luscious curve. spinning lightly on the balls of her feet, sha' crosses to kneel besides the First Girl. placing the backs of hands upon parted thighs, head held proudly so the firelight dances off of the steel she wears, a girl listens quietly... as her eyes are drawn to the Beauty of the Statue...||

Mon Jun 14 7:30:20 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG:

smiling at the love exchanged between the T/two....

Mon Jun 14 7:30:54 1999 aria{KI}: ...his breathing more relaxed at Her reaction... completely set to peace as She kisses his cheek... eyes darting up to Hers for an ihn and then lowering once more...

Mon Jun 14 7:31:09 1999 Menelvagor: Awwwww.......

Mon Jun 14 7:32:19 1999 Mistress Zada: laying the precious gift on My furs..... looking upon aria.....

Mon Jun 14 7:33:10 1999 Mistress Zada: aria, do you come to Me of your own free will?

Mon Jun 14 7:33:31 1999 aria{KI}: ...taking a deep breath... Yes Mistress...

Mon Jun 14 7:34:04 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||peach colored lips curve into a soft smile at the site of Ttheir love||

Mon Jun 14 7:35:23 1999 Mistress Zada: and it is your desire to wear My ko'lar?

Mon Jun 14 7:36:01 1999 aria{KI}: nothing would make this boy happier than to wear Your ko-lar Mistress Zada...

Mon Jun 14 7:37:07 1999 Mistress Zada: a smile touching My ruby I hear his answer what are you boy?

Mon Jun 14 7:37:40 1999 aria{KI}: a slave Mistress

Mon Jun 14 7:39:36 1999 Mistress Zada: standing...... aria then go to the X-frame.... Menelvagor would You please do Me the Honor of assisting Me?......

Mon Jun 14 7:40:12 1999 Menelvagor: The Honor would be Mine, Mistress.....

Mon Jun 14 7:40:33 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||a gril's heart fills with joy as she listens to the exchange between Tthem.||

Mon Jun 14 7:40:43 1999 aria{KI}: ...rising immediately at Her command, he strides quickly to the X-frame...

Mon Jun 14 7:41:42 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG:

radiantly smiling to aria as he follows his Mistress....

Mon Jun 14 7:42:25 1999 Menelvagor: Stand here, boy.... taking a rope and tying one of his feet to the X-frame... going to the other side and tying his other foot.... standing and tying one hand to the frame, then moving over and tying the other hand.... he is ready, Mistress... stepping out of the way.....

Mon Jun 14 7:43:19 1999 aria{KI}: ...freely allowing each wrist to be bound, all noise fading from the Great Room, apart from his own heart beat and his agitated breathing... ...he closes his eyes for an ihn, focusing on the wall before him when they open...

Mon Jun 14 7:43:57 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||sparkling hazel eyes turn their lowered gaze to Mistress Arista as peach colored lips curve into a soft smile of greetings.||

Mon Jun 14 7:45:04 1999 Mistress Zada: walking to the X-frame.....looking upond aria as he is now tied into place....taking My dagger and cutting his clothing from his body.....

Mon Jun 14 7:46:16 1999 aria{KI}: ...his heart bear beating faster when he is naked before Her... ...turning to smile softly at Her...

Mon Jun 14 7:46:41 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: her heart leaping with joy as she watches aria tied to the X-frame.....then grinning softly as her brothers tunic gets cut away.....

Mon Jun 14 7:47:21 1999 Mistress Zada: now nekked before Me I take My whip from My side and un-coil it with a .... SNAP...

Mon Jun 14 7:48:22 1999 aria{KI}: ...holding his breath as he hears the whip snap... turning to face the wall once more... closing his eyes for an ihn in preparation...

Mon Jun 14 7:48:29 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: jumping slightly as she hears the sudden snap of the whip......

Mon Jun 14 7:48:35 1999 Menelvagor: moving a little farther out of the way.....

Mon Jun 14 7:50:15 1999 Zeraphim: *watching witha slight smile...semi-confused but won't saything..he's new and learning things*

Mon Jun 14 7:50:27 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||jumping at the sound of the whip snapping..||

Mon Jun 14 7:50:41 1999 Mistress Zada: smiling with love upon My boy...... Taking 3 stepa back and to the left.... aria you will recieve 3 will ount them off, thank Me for it and beg for the next.... Do you understand kajiru??

Mon Jun 14 7:51:46 1999 aria{KI}: Yes Mistress Zada... aria undestands Mistress

Mon Jun 14 7:54:28 1999 Mistress Zada: taking a deep breath.... raising My right arm and with a quick flick of My wrist the whip lands in a horizental line across his shoulder blades.....leaving a deep red welt.... WHACK!!!

Mon Jun 14 7:56:30 1999 aria{KI}: ...gasps, dumbfounded and startled by the brusque pain spreading on his back... ...taking in the vigour of the whip... his entire body tensing to absorb the lash... ...after a deep long breath, his voice clear... Thank You Mistress... that was the whip's first kiss... may a slave receive the second?

Mon Jun 14 7:57:29 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||hazel eyes snap shut as a girl shivers from the sound of the whip. opening eyes slowly, shoulders roll back more as her skin tingles...||

Mon Jun 14 7:57:51 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: watching intently as the Mistress applies the first kiss of the whip to her brother....

Mon Jun 14 7:59:02 1999 Mistress Zada: raising My arm and striking a diagonal welt from his right shoulder to his left hip..... THWACKK........

Mon Jun 14 8:01:38 1999 aria{KI}: ...despite his preparation from the whip's sound in the air, his wrists stir on the bindings... he loudly breathes his pain, his back muscles flex as the second kiss is sent to every part of his body... ...his jaw muscles pushing together in an effort to control his anguish... ...eyes closing for an ihn, then opening determined... his voice clear, but fading... thank You Mistress... that was the second... may aria have the last?

Mon Jun 14 8:03:00 1999 Menelvagor: watching aria feel the kiss of the whip.....

Mon Jun 14 8:03:20 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||smiling softly at the devotion aria is showing||

Mon Jun 14 8:04:44 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: proud of the strength aria shows this night....

Mon Jun 14 8:07:15 1999 Mistress Zada: yes you may kajiru..... with practiced hand as it's guide the whip kisses the third line into the boys flesh joinning left hip to his right hip........ ...CRACK!!!! leaving the mark of Zada on his flesh Forever ...............Z

Mon Jun 14 8:09:20 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: wincing slightly as the whip meets arias flesh for the last time....tonight anyway....

Mon Jun 14 8:10:38 1999 Mistress Zada: ra'naa, if you would please treat aria's wounds now please...... after Menelvagor will cut him down and he is to come to Me....... walking to My furs and kneeling Free Woman style........taking a sip of My kalana before re-rolling My whip and puttin it away.......

Mon Jun 14 8:10:59 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||at the sound of the last crack, a girl's back arches.. watching aria, she relaxes a bit...||

Mon Jun 14 8:11:14 1999 Menelvagor: looking at the raised welts on the boy... thinking.. hmmm with a few well-places cracks of the whip... I'll bet I could make an "M"....

Mon Jun 14 8:12:07 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: Yes, Mistress Zada... jumping enthusiastically to her feet, she scurries to the sandpit, picking up the basket and bowl she prepared earlier...she steps up to her naked brother....

Mon Jun 14 8:12:08 1999 aria{KI}: ...his hands clutching to a fist, as his mind screams the pain long before his body does... ...a loud gasp excapes from his mouth ihns after the whip makes contact... his body tensing forcibly and then relaxing... hands and head falling freely... eyes closing, trying to cope with the surges of pain flashing all over... ...breathing deeply, he rises his head... one involuntarily watered eye opens after the other... amongst deep breaths, neck tensing fully in the strain... ...his voice faded... thank You for Your affection Mistress Zada... that was Your whip's third and last kiss... Your kajiru loves You ...head lowering slowly, body relaxing completely... ...hanging from the bindings that hold him...

Mon Jun 14 8:14:43 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: taking the rep cloth from the basket, she wets it in the bowl of cool waer....squeezing the water at his shoulder, rinsing the welts clean....repeating the process three times to insure a good healing.....

Mon Jun 14 8:16:02 1999 aria{KI}: ...eyes opening wide, body tensing at the First Girl's first touch... smiling up at her, he relaxes....

Mon Jun 14 8:16:07 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: dropping the cloth into the bowl, and taking out the vial of healing oils....pouring a small amount into the palm of her left hand, and carefully applying it to each of the three welts....whispering how proud she is into her brothers ear.....offering him her best wishes for his happiness....

Mon Jun 14 8:17:57 1999 aria{KI}: ...hearing her words, feeling the welts on his back... ...his whisper, of how thankful he is to her for everything, barely audible...

Mon Jun 14 8:19:06 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||watching the care ra' is taking in tending to aria and smiling. hazel eyes shine, showing how proud she is of him||

Mon Jun 14 8:19:24 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: recorking the first vial as she places it back in the basket...then taking out the second, and spreading a generous amount of healing ointment over the length of all three wounds....tenderly wiping it onto his back, hoping she isn't causing him additional pain....recorking the vial as she collects the basket and bowl into her hand....looking to Master Menelvagor, smiling softly as she steps back from her brother.....

Mon Jun 14 8:19:35 1999 Mistress Zada: taking My ko'lar out and laying it on My furs.....then sipping My kalana........

Mon Jun 14 8:19:50 1999 Menelvagor: glancing over at sha'roze.. wondering if I could practise making "M"'s on her.....

Mon Jun 14 8:21:09 1999 Mistress Zada: thank-you ra'naa......smiling then looking at My kajiru with love

Mon Jun 14 8:22:26 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||feeling Eyes upon her, a girl's posture straightens more, each slow breath tightening the buttercup silks about her body as she chuckles at the Master's idea.||

Mon Jun 14 8:23:05 1999 Menelvagor: walking over to the kajirus... un-tying his left ankle... then moving over and un-tying his right ankle... standing and un-tying his left wrist... moving over and un-tying...uh-oh... what kind of knot did I put HERE? hmmm.... tugging at rope.... oops... that didn't help.. taking out dagger and cutting rope...freeing his right wrist after all.... go to your Mistress, boy.....

Mon Jun 14 8:24:39 1999 Mistress Zada: smiling warmly at Menelvagor.....Thank-You Menelvagor for Your help.....

Mon Jun 14 8:25:09 1999 Menelvagor: You are Welcome, Mistress...."S"

Mon Jun 14 8:26:07 1999 aria{KI}: ...feeling the cold ointment on his back and then the ropes untied and cut... he slowly falls to his knees... ...he then rises, taking a deep breath as the pain from each lash echoes a thunder to his brain at each step adn walks to his Mistress, kneeling fully before Her feet... wrists cross, as his arms are raised above his head... his body leaning back, sitting upon his heels... his head lowered in supplication... breathing deeply...

Mon Jun 14 8:28:06 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: smling brightly as aria assumes the ko-lar position....

Mon Jun 14 8:28:24 1999 Mistress Zada: kajiru, I don't like using the L/lets hope there will be no need for it..... what is your name boy?

Mon Jun 14 8:29:52 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||peach colored lips curve into a bright smile as aria assumes the ko lar position||

Mon Jun 14 8:29:59 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl walks from her Mistress' camp to the inn, the soft chime of bells echoing a girl's steps as her bare feet step softly into the room, her fair rask wiggling visibly through her red silks, the fabric shifting as each hip rises then falls, then the other...a girl's long blond tresses bouncing and playing with the skin on a girl's shoulders and neck, her ko'lar gleaming as her hair wisps behind her...a girl's green eyes sparkle, the gold flecks seen as a girl looks about, then finding a spare fur and kneeling...her legs spread wide for the viewing pleasure of all, her slave belly sweetly warm from her happiness... ...a girl smiles, her soft pink lips curled up and decorating her fair face... greetings, A/all.

Mon Jun 14 8:30:07 1999 aria{KI}: a slave shall be called whatever name you decide to call him Mistress...

Mon Jun 14 8:30:59 1999 Menelvagor: thinking Mistress Zada should name him "horace"

Mon Jun 14 8:31:18 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: waving to shir'yana as she enters....

Mon Jun 14 8:31:34 1999 aria{KI}:

Mon Jun 14 8:31:56 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||smiles softly in greetings to shir'yana{A}~R, then returns her attention to the ceremony||

Mon Jun 14 8:33:08 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl nods to her sister as she finishes her position, placing the backs of her hands softly upon her knees, her back straight as can be done...a girl's lashes lowered to Ones in respect as she holds her head high proudly, showing off that which shows who this girl proudly belongs to... hello, dear sister ra'.

Mon Jun 14 8:36:21 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl quietly watches, seeing her brother about to get his ko'lar, smiling eyes watching...

Mon Jun 14 8:39:02 1999 Mistress Zada: smiling at My kajiru......I take the Black gold ko'lar with gold studs.....I stand and put it upon his neck with a echoing click..... you name is now......rok{Zada}FB~{KI} the FB is because you are My First Boy.....the {KI} is because the Ubar and Mistress Arista has ask for you to be ra'naa's assistant in training male handing you a balck leather loin will wear this in the summer months..... puting a red trimmed in black leather arm band on your upper left arm..... this means you are My exclusive red...... I do not brand will recieve My tattoo in a couple days..... now go change you name and dress and return to Me.....your Mistress love you.....kissing your lips....

Mon Jun 14 8:40:12 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||tears of joy fill hazel eyes||

Mon Jun 14 8:41:19 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl, proud to see another ko'lared, smiles as she watches her brother exit...carrying the special things given to him by his Mistress...

Mon Jun 14 8:42:12 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: wiping the tears of joy that crep their way down a girls cheek as she watches aria rise and leave only to return.....

Mon Jun 14 8:42:47 1999 aria{KI}: ...smiling proudly as the ko-lar is wrapped round his neck... listening to Her words intently.... smiling with love up at Her as She wraps the the arm band on his left arm... ...closing his eyes as T/they kiss... Yes Mistress Zada, Your kajiru thanks You for Your gift..

Mon Jun 14 8:43:44 1999 aria{KI}: his surprise, he rises gracefully... taking three steps back, before turning for the kajira Quarters and making his way towards them... ...smiling brightly...

Mon Jun 14 8:44:23 1999 Mistress Zada: smiling with pride and happiness as I watch rok leave to the slave pens.....

Mon Jun 14 8:46:11 1999 Menelvagor: Contratulations, Mistress Zada! Very nice Ceremony!!!! Can I go get out of My Official Gorean Ko'larring Suit now?

Mon Jun 14 8:46:24 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: letting the new name of her brother roll off her tongue....rok....smiling radiantly to the Mistress.....

Mon Jun 14 8:47:03 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: ..steps into the Great Room from the kajira Quarters, smiling to A/all present as he makes his way to his Mistress...

Mon Jun 14 8:47:45 1999 Menelvagor: Hey ra'naa.... do you know what that thing is he has on his arm??? A "rok-band!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Mon Jun 14 8:47:55 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: rising to her feet, a scroll in hand....she kneels politely before the Mistress... On behalf of the Ubar, Who unfortunatley could not be here tonight, ra'naa would like to offer You this very rough draft of tonights events to add to Your library, Mistress Zada....

Mon Jun 14 8:48:11 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: ...kneeling fully before Her, speaking his words clearly... Your rok loves You Mistress....

Mon Jun 14 8:48:12 1999 Mistress Zada: Thank-You Menelvagor...and thank-You for all Your help.......and yes of course.....laughing as I see You tugging at the collar

Mon Jun 14 8:48:38 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: biting her tongue to avoid laughing....

Mon Jun 14 8:48:47 1999 Menelvagor: greetings and congratulations, rok! "S"

Mon Jun 14 8:49:32 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: grubling at the urts....

Mon Jun 14 8:49:45 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: may rok greet Mistress ...light brown eyes dancing up to Hers... eyelids pushing together...

Mon Jun 14 8:50:40 1999 Menelvagor: feeling much better! Thank You, Mistress Zada and rok... it was an Honor for Me to be part of Y/your Ceremony!

Mon Jun 14 8:51:03 1999 Mistress Zada: thank-you ra' and please Thank your Master as well.......taking the scroll.....smiling..... seeng My kajiru before Me My smiling eyes reflecting My love .....and I love you My

Mon Jun 14 8:51:24 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||smiling brightly as a girl watches rok{Zada}FB~{KI} return to the Great Room and his Mistress. turning her lowered gaze...|| Mistress Zada a girl would like to pass along her ~Mistress's~ congradulations to You and Your rok... as well as her own on this Wonderful Night.

Mon Jun 14 8:51:54 1999 Mistress Zada: yes rok you may

Mon Jun 14 8:52:24 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl's eyes dance as she keeps her light laughter to herself, the only other sign, her glossed pink lips curled up in a sweet smile... congratulations, brother rok. the ko'lar looks wonderful, as should be...

Mon Jun 14 8:53:05 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||sees that Master Zeraphim has left, a girl sends her well wishes.. hoping that the 3 Moons of Gor guide Him successfully||

Mon Jun 14 8:53:25 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: Thank You Mistress... ...turns to Master Menelvagor... Greetings Master Menelvagor! aria thanks You for Your kind assistance earlier, and for Your presence... greetings sister ra'naa greetings sister sha'roze rok is glad to see you both!

Mon Jun 14 8:53:47 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: rising to her feet, taking three steps back from the Mistress and rok....she glides back to her Masters furs, kneeling into their treasured softness.....

Mon Jun 14 8:53:52 1999 Mistress Zada: thank-you sha' and please Thank your Mistress also......smiling with happiness

Mon Jun 14 8:53:58 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: greetings shir'yana!

Mon Jun 14 8:55:41 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl's soft eyes scan the room for her sister, lil night, wondering... greetings, dear brother. ...s...

Mon Jun 14 8:56:41 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: tired eyes glancing to the waterclock... please forgive a girl, but may she return to her Masters Cylinder for the night?

Mon Jun 14 8:56:54 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||incling her head to Mistress Zada|| sha' will tell her ~Mistress~ ||soft smile||

Mon Jun 14 8:57:00 1999 Menelvagor: you may go, ra....

Mon Jun 14 8:57:03 1999 Mistress Zada: greetings, shir'yana.....soft smile

Mon Jun 14 8:57:48 1999 Mistress Zada: be well ra', and thank-you

Mon Jun 14 8:58:51 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: this girl hopes your sleeps are pleasant, dear sister ra'. greetings, Mistress. this girl hopes You are well this eve'.

Mon Jun 14 8:58:56 1999 Mistress Zada: picking up My lovely statue and standing.....

Mon Jun 14 8:59:07 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||softly smiling eyes turn to her sister|| Restful dreams to you ra'

Mon Jun 14 8:59:42 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: rok wishes you well ra'naa! and he thanks you for everything... ...smiles at his sister...

Mon Jun 14 8:59:57 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl sighs, then sees the waterclock herself, thinking she best take care of some RT things... may this girl also retire? ...a girl's green eyes a question as she looks around...

Mon Jun 14 9:00:39 1999 ra'naa{WS}FG: Thank You, Master Menelvagor.... ra'naa wishes A/all well.... with a special wish for Mistress Zada and rok! rising from her Masters furs, crossing to His Cylinder...opening the door and stepping into the welcome darkness...aching for a good nights rest as she closes the dor beind her....

Mon Jun 14 9:01:04 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl stifles a yawn, liking her RT work, but hating the hours she must get back to...

Mon Jun 14 9:01:26 1999 Menelvagor: you may go, and be well, shir'yana...."S"

Mon Jun 14 9:02:04 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: rok wishes you well shir'yana...

Mon Jun 14 9:02:34 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: Sleep well shir'yana ||softly spoken||

Mon Jun 14 9:05:03 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||with a curious lilt to her voice, a girl asks quietly|| may a girl serve Anyone?

Mon Jun 14 9:05:04 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: thank Y/you all, and if Mistress Ana'Shara comes, could She be informed that this girl is to try and catch up on her sleep?

Mon Jun 14 9:05:39 1999 Mistress Zada: taking rok by the hand.....come is time you see where you will sleep from now on..... smiling..... Be Well A/all....and thank-Y/you A/all for coming and witnessing O/our Ceremony..... leading rok to O/our cylinder....

Mon Jun 14 9:06:13 1999 Menelvagor: Congratulations again, Mistress Zada and rok....

Mon Jun 14 9:06:56 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: ...rising as his Mistress does, smiling as She takes his hand, he follows Her with a bright expression to Her Cylinder... rok wishes A/all a pleasant evening...

Mon Jun 14 9:07:17 1999 shir'yana{A}~R: ...a girl smiles as she leaves, seeing the happiness of the in after her brother's ko'laring... ...soft poof...

Mon Jun 14 9:07:18 1999 ~*sha'roze*~{LPR}FG_[KI]: ||smiling ever so softly|| Congradulations and be well Mistress Zada and rok

Mon Jun 14 9:07:42 1999 Menelvagor: slipping quietly out the door to R/T.... Be Well, A/all.....

Mon Jun 14 9:08:13 1999 rok{Zada}FB~{KI}: ...and thank Y/you A/all for coming! ...following his Mistress completely, correcting his own pace when necessary, to keep to Her left..