
I don't like to brag (it makes me sound like this really ugly character from a TV show) but I think I draw reasonably well (you can ask a lot of my friends..i.e. Jemima, Macavity, Coricopat). I've gotten numerous requests, and I've finally sat down and drawn some of them, and the rest are on their way. The above picture, Ophelia, is an artwork sample. I hope you like it!

Before drawing a picture, I need to know some special information. Fill out the info below and e-mail it to Minnaloushe when you're done.

I think you know what goes here. I just want to know the name so I know what to save it as, title it, etc.

This is very important to know. You don't want to commission a guy cat pic and have it end up looking like a girl cat. PLEASE SPECIFY GENDER!!!!!
Wig Type
Wig type means what kind of wig your Cat would have if they were an actor in the play. There are five choices. They are as follows:
•Jellylorum/Mistoffelees/Alonzo Style
•Bustopher Jones/Gus Style
•Cassandra/Coricopat/Tantomile Style
•Macavity/Rumpus Cat Style
•Normal (Everyone Else) Style
Wig Color
Specify what kind of patterns, colors, etc. you want on your wig.
Front of Unitard
Here you tell me what the front of your unitard looks like. Patterns, colors, designs, the whole lot. Include whether or not you want shoulder fuzz.
Back of Unitard
Basically the same as above, only with the back of the unitard.
You can put whether or not you have a collar, first of all. If you do, include color and what it has on it (spikes, studs, rhinestones, etc)
Color, patterns, etc. Also include any special material the tail might be made of. If you want, include the color of the belt used to hold the tail.
If you want any special shoes, say so. Otherwise, I automatically assume you want dancing shoes. Also include what color the shoe is.
Legwarmer Color
Color of 'warmers and whether or not you want them.
Armwarmer Color
I'm sure you can figure out what to put here.
Makeup Design
Here, knock yourself out! I want as many details as possible about the makeup, to make the drawing perfect! If you have a makeup design pic you could send me, that's even better. You can have references to real Cats (as in, white where Mungo has orange, or something), which just makes my job easier. Put in colors, designs, patterns, WHATEVER.
The Final you want a regular cat or a person in a CATS costume?
If you want a regular cat, you may be wondering: WHY THE HECK DID I JUST FILL ALL THAT COSTUME JUNK OUT?! Well, it helps me know what the regular cat looks like. Don't be afraid to ask for regular cats.

That's all I need to know. Please send in your requests. When I get pics done and scanned, I'll post them here, so everyone knows what you look like! (If you want, I can have you okay a drawing before I post it).

Requests I've Done:






*Sadimia (as a regular cat)*



