Minnaloushe's Award for Jellicle Purrrrrrrfection

Hello, perhaps you'd like to try for my award? Very, well, continue reading on this page, and you'll find out how. First of all, please do not just copy it to your page and say you won it, I will find out! Besides, who'd want an award with that nasty red 'X' in the middle when you could have one without the 'X', but with your name and site URL there instead? No one, I thought so. If you'd like to win the award, or you'd like to nominate someone else, send me an e-mail with the site name and URL, and I'll check it out. Chances are, I'll like it, and that feline will have a brand, spankin'-new, award!

Sites That Have Won My Award:

*Little Demeter's Jellicle Fanfiction*

*Jezabette's Jellicle Gathering*

*RubyFire's Cardboard Box*

*Macavity's Lair*

*Mevima's CATS Insanity*

*Rheow's Asylum*

*Bombalurina's CATS Page*