Uranus in the 5th House ******************* This can indicate an exciting or unusual social life. The same may be said for recreational pursuits and your love life. You seem to be torn between what your ego dictates and an involvement in socially relevant causes. You should free yourself from traditional or conventional methods of expression and let your creative personality flow into everything you do. You have no alternative but to be original and unusual. Sometimes inspiration hits you like a flash of lightning. Perhaps you are never satisfied with what you achieve and feel that you could have done it even better. Some individuals may develop an interest for things which others see as eccentric or strange, and you often become involved in unusual love affairs. When the initial excitement and enthusiasm has died down or you feel restricted, you look for a reason to end the relationship. Invariably, they end as suddenly as they started. Perhaps you should learn that you have to make compromises in relationships in order to form lasting attachments. It is pointless just to act out of lust. With Uranus in the fifth house you look for alternative ways of expressing yourself. Your need to create will not be fully satisfied even if you have children. If you try to cling to your children or make them live out your own missed opportunities, they will respond by leaving home as early as they can. Uranus in this house will challenge you to find ways of expressing your creativity other than through having children. It is only when you can be free to consciously attune yourself to a higher source of creativity, that you can allow the egocentric sense of identity and purpose to be empowered and directed by this source. Once empowered, your life and vision can transform others through a powerfully creative and inspirational energy.