Sun in the 9th House This position of the Sun emphasizes a wide range of interests and activities. The ninth house represents religion, philosophy, and long journeys. Providing your chart does not indicate a tendency towards dogma, you view life as a type of journey. It may be a pilgrimage in which one examines a variety of esoteric directions, philosophies and religions, without being tied to a prescribed doctrine. You will probably travel and enjoy intense literature that deals with the philosophical exploration of the meaning of life. You like to get away from home, meet new people, and to travel far-even abroad. Should you opt for it, you can be successful with further education. You should try to balance your life and avoid becoming too preoccupied with complicated interactions and theories. You may have broad ranging solutions for the ills of society but be unable to find the answers to personal dilemmas. You probably enjoy an occupation that provides the opportunity to cultivate interaction with large groups. One of your many occupations could be working at a travel agency, doing market research or training work. Your inventiveness and enthusiasm enable you to motivate others. If the Sun receives challenging planetary aspects here, you may have a self-centered view of life and feel defeated by circumstance. A well-aspected Sun suggests an open mind willing to consider all points of view. At a higher level, there will be a creative expression with spiritual teaching.