Sun in the 3rd House This position of the Sun emphasizes your activities and personal expression with brothers, sisters, and neighbors. You like to learn things and pass this information on to others. In doing so, your self-confidence and pride is given a boost. At a higher level, you are seeking to establish an effective spiritual communication of love. People with this placement have a strong need to be noticed and at the center of attention. In youth, this can sometimes lead to conflicts with siblings and peers who either require your attention or are otherwise busy. If the Sun is aspected awkwardly here, your early school years may have been difficult. Even though you may be quite intelligent, your manner of communicating does not easily synchronize with others. It is as if you have somehow assumed they already know certain things. The resultant interchange is fragmented, leaving others bewildered. Frustrated due to a lack of patience and an over-active mind, you may seek your own form of learning in order to outwit others. Instead, you should try to develop your communication skills and writing abilities. Also, you should develop your ability to understand others who may be quite different from yourself, but be sure to test your understanding of others in a polite and humble way. A Sun well-aspected by other planets should promote the ability to communicate and write eloquently. You may enjoy a meaningful relationship with any brothers and sisters you may have, lead a sociable lifestyle, and work at a job where you deal with others. You seem able to establish a mental rapport with a number of people.