Saturn in the 1st House *************************************************************** Of all the houses for Saturn, this can be one of its more difficult placements, particularly if it is close to the ascendant. Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and it often represents restriction or, at best, consolidation. The key to working with Saturn is to focus on its power for consolidation. The First House is the rising sign house and the childhood house. Saturn in this house under stress (square, opposition or inconjunct to other planets), will often reflect a karma with yourself or with childhood. This usually means a lesson with self-esteem, appearance, even vanity. In other words, a personality karma, a character karma, or an identity karma, and especially during childhood, leading to unprocessed experiences. Some of the common experiences, but not always, are the loss of a father or a father who did not provide the necessary parenting for you. There may have been little or no encouragement to develop your ability to express yourself and as a result your creative drive was dampened. You may have been burdened with certain problems that were overwhelming. Many experience a lot of rejection in youth. You therefore approach life hesitantly, full of mistrust and expect the worst. It seems that you must keep proving yourself, and an element of perfectionism creeps in. You take life very seriously and want to remind people and society of their irresponsibility. Whatever you do does not seem good enough. The resultant frustration drives you deeper into a problematic hole. Although you think that others are constantly criticizing and correcting you, it is really you who is doing it, and your self-criticism is really your biggest problem. Aided by any challenging aspects from other planets, your self-esteem probably has the greatest opportunity in the world! You perceive your personality as inadequate and your social behavior awkward. As you find it so difficult to be easygoing and relaxed, you may appear to be inhibited, stern, and reserved. You dislike making a fool of yourself and therefore take pains to behave in a dignified fashion. When your fellows start to interpret your inability to trust others as coldness and unfriendliness, it is high time to start to working on that self-love and self-esteem. Basically, you want to prove your worth and be respected, and you should use your strong sense of responsibility to achieve this. You can be ambitious and show an iron determination to make something of yourself. This means that you are prepared to work hard. You need to get to a point where you can let go of all the negative baggage of the past. Hypno-therapy techniques can be useful for some individuals. If you have any support from other areas of the chart, look to some of those qualities that can contrast the stern and rigid effects of Saturn. Experience more comedy and be open to the numerous techniques that will allow your inner love to radiate in a powerful and consolidated way. The deep pain from youth and the resultant growth can ultimately be used to assist others in a similar predicament.