Pluto in the 11th House ****************** You have been learning to break free from societal traditions, parents, friends, or any conditioning that limits your purpose in life. In such cases, you are learning lessons of objectivity and detachment in order to understand the necessary ingredients for transformation of social consciousness. However, if your emotional security is still strongly connected to your ideas, it will prove to be a limiting factor in terms of others taking you seriously; you may feel isolated as a result. In extreme cases, some individuals will drop out of society altogether, becoming antisocial and sensing that they have no meaningful role to play. In very few instances, some will even turn spiteful and subversive. As groups strive to break down barriers and to mold their members, you may have difficulty feeling at ease in a group situation. Unconscious problems may be brought to light in group situations, and you may resist changes pressured upon you. Even if this is a fearful experience for you, you could learn much from some form of group therapy, where the group activates the emotions, thoughts, and experiences that you have suppressed. You may experience emotional shocks, disappointments, and rejections in your friendships as a way of forcing you take charge of your own fate-a major lesson here. Through such experiences, you can discover what really constitutes a friend and what does not. You may only have a few very close friends. If you learn these lessons and those of objectivity and detachment in an unemotional way, you can play a variety of socially meaningful roles. Your self-confidence and creativity will allow you to promote a better understanding in other people, even whole nations.