Pluto in the 10th House ************************************************************* The Plutonian energy here can take the form of impatience, resentment of authority, or an overwhelming drive for special recognition. If you desire a position of social power or status, it is likely that you occupied a similar position in a past life. Perhaps you know how to work with some of the higher vibrations of Pluto to assist in the structural growth of your society or a particular social system. The way you attempt and achieve this goal is significantly influenced by the energies of Pluto. To be involved in this area, you might still need to learn the special lessons of self-determination, self-discipline, and how to work in harmony with natural laws. Greater success is always afforded those whose motives and aspirations are good. For those with lesser motives, the realization of their ambition can be a long and painful one. However, Pluto does allow you to totally transform your attitudes towards success, authority, and public esteem. If you possess a deep sense of guilt that cannot be explained by events in this life, there could have been some erroneous or self serving behavior related to authority in a past life. It is as if you are now punishing yourself and atoning for prior sins. Unfortunately, such energy also permeates to create a self-blocking mechanism (assisted by society), in which opportunities for leadership positions are thwarted. Through awareness of how you determine your own reality, self-image, and security, you should be able to realize your goals and ambitions in honest and non-manipulative ways. Later, you might encourage others to do the same. You should continue to seek new and deeper levels of access to your subconscious source of motivation. Various types of meditation or relaxation techniques would be quite useful. The tenth house is also associated with the position of the individual in this life. With Pluto in the tenth house it is obvious that you are subjected to certain fluctuations on your search for a worthy occupation that will help you find your position in life. It is not easy for you to find employment in which you can invest body and soul. However, once you find something that seems worthy and stimulating, you dedicate all your powers of concentration towards it.