Pluto in the 9th House ****************** With Pluto in this house you may feel bond to seek further truths relating to existence. You are able to approach ethical and philosophical matters with seriousness and respect. In extreme cases you may be compelled to make contact with some higher force. The context of this search could be religious, scientific, metaphysical, or philosophical. One thing usually common is the desire to have and express strong beliefs and ideals. In extreme cases, persons with this placement can be self-righteous and dogmatic, seeking to convert others to their form of truth. Some astrologers refer to this as the Billy Graham archetype. It is linked to a person's particular interpretation of the natural laws and principles, and he or she feels it applies to everyone. In expressing such principles, these people feel emotionally secure and stable. When we come to understand that there is no such thing as Truth in a strictly denotative sense, only that each of us needs our own symbolism to explain universal principles, humanity will be ready to take a major step forward. Many people who have Pluto in the ninth house have experienced a diverse number of cultures in past lives. During such lives, they were restricted from pursuing further truths and knowledge, and subsequently they sought new cultures in which they would be able to expand their search in an unrestricted way. If this applies to you, and you have not processed reactive feelings of rejection for past life beliefs, you have the opportunity currently to do so. For some, this can contribute to any self-righteousness you many exhibit (as in the Billy Graham effect). Another effect may be a form of restlessness that has no apparent reason, but maybe you consider yourself a member of planet Earth rather than a citizen of a country? If you have always felt a need to travel, you should fulfill this desire, because you are in a position to experience change through travel. The unique knowledge and traditions of other cultures allows you to perceive the jigsaw of humanity. If Pluto is well-aspected, you should experience less of a challenge than in the above description. The Nazerene and Nostradamus are individuals who had Pluto in the ninth house.